Chapter 28 ~ wonder child

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Phil's P.O.V
I yawned out sleepily. My eyes had fixated heavily shut, and I struggled to open them to the familiar sight of Louise's front room.
Dan was cuddled up into the armchair and his lip was looking noticeably better.
Glancing at the window, I noticed the sky had that early morning glaze, I feel safe in the 5am light, it's all so calm and beautiful, I guessed it was around that time.
I heard the door behind me creak and my head snapped round instantly, almost like a reflex.
Darcy was stood in the door frame, stating at me with big curious eyes and in her hands was a pink blanket.
I smiled, to make her feel at ease and she just stared back simply, as if she was trying to puzzle me out.
She ambled into the room and sat at the end of the couch, placing herself lightly on my feet.
"Hi" she whispered.
"Hey" I said propping myself up onto my elbows.
"What time is it?" She asked, rubbing her eyes.
I pulled out my phone and glanced at the time, 5:50am, the phone screen's light was a strain for my eyes.
"Nearly six o'clock in the morning! It's very early" I said, cheerily.
My tone seemed to settle her and she rested back into the chair.
She didn't say anything, just acknowledged it.
"Is that your husd-band" she said stammering on her words slightly, and pronouncing it wrong, poor girl mustn't have slept much.
I glanced at where she was pointing, surprise surprise, Dan.
I just shook my head.
"He's my bestest friend in the whole wide world" I said smiling brightly at her.
"Can best friends not be married?" She said, looking thoroughly confused.
"If they love each other, of course, yes" I nodded.
"And you don't love him like a husband?" She giggled.
"No" I mumbled.
"I like your shirt" she said seconds after and I remembered how easy kids were to talk to.
I looked down at my Ash and Pikachu shirt and laughed.
"Thanks! I love your nightie, Frozen is my favourite too" I chuckled.
She seemed extremely pleased with this.
"Good to know" I heard Dan's familiar voice groan out, muffled, as his face lay in the pillows.
"Good morning" Darcy squealed happily, she seemed excited by the new company.
"Morning" Dan said, sitting up slowly, his hair was stood up at the side, where he'd lay on the side of his face and his cheek had gone red.
"Sleep well?" I asked him.
"Like a rock" he yawned momentarily.
"It's six o'clock!" Darcy exclaimed, remembering what I'd said earlier, and seemingly she was proud at her known information.
"Damn, Phil why are you even awake?" Dan asked sleepily.
"I'm not sure" which was the truth, I think maybe the light from the window had woken me.
"Why are you awake?" I asked.
"You woke me up blabbermouth" he said, jokingly angry.
Darcy giggled at us and I wondered if this is what it'd be like in the morning's if me and Dan had a kid of our own-
Why did that just-?
Wow I must be seriously sleep-deprived.

I tuned back into the conversation in the room
And listened to Dan and Darcy chatter away.
"Yeah that's his thinking face". Dan laughed.
"Thinking face?" Darcy questioned.
"You know, the face you pull when your really thinking hard". Dan said back smiling softly at her, I liked that his eyes lit up when he talked to little kids, he was so good with them.
"So what's your thinking face?" Darcy asked.
Dan crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue, waggling it tauntingly.
Darcy laughed in excitement.
"Wow Dan, sexy" I muttered, to him, laughing.
"You know it" it said, licking his finger and placing in on his ass, making a sharp 'tsst' sound through his teeth.
Darcy mimicked this action and we burst out laughing.
Darcy after a minute yawned and popped her thumb into her mouth.
I lifted the duvet, and she crawled under, cuddling into my side.
Dan grabbed her pink blanket and lay it across the both of us. She must have suddenly realised how tired she was and felt comfortable enough with us to sleep here.
"Night night" Darcy whispered.
"Night night" I said smiling down at her.
"Don't let the bed bugs bite" Dan added.
I grinned at him and he beamed back.
He rolled over and pulled the duvet up to his chin, resuming his much needed sleep.
"Seeya later alligator" I whispered into the room.
"In a while, crocodile" he mumbled.
I wanted to cry, I haven't felt such a longing for Dan in a while and this was eating away at me.
We could have this, just perfect, with our own little wonder child.
They say everything happens for a reason, but I'm not so sure.
Alex would know what to do, I'll call him later, but maybe now the best thing to do, is sleep.
I glanced at Darcy one last time then closed my eyes heavily, falling into the soft comfort of sleeping.

Y'all are so thirsty damn, here's your diddly dang update, sorry it's short, I literally just wrote it all now super quickly bc I'm tired asf and y'all are demanding an update, but yeahhh, here and here and hereeee <3
Byeeee c:

Star Gazing (Phanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora