Chapter 44 ~ Missing You

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Everything was blue.
His pills.
His hands.
His jeans...
He's blue.
Dan's P.O.V
"Jesus Daniel, did you even sleep last night?" My dad tutted, clicking his fingers in my direction.
I turned to my mum and rolled my eyes, and she smiled with understanding. My dad wasn't as scary, just frustrating to talk to.
I shrugged lamely, I couldn't be bothered with a 'talk'.
"It's not good enough Daniel, living under our roof, you're going to get some proper rest" He mithered.
I wasn't sure why I was being so annoying, at this point even I wanted to hit me, but my dad just sighed.
I just kept thinking about Alex and Phil, they're together again today, I saw twitter.
I guess I really wasn't enough if I wasn't him.
"Penny for your thoughts" my mum muttered, nudging my arm.
"Phil" I said, and really that was as much as there was to it, he was all I could think of.
"Should we do something today? Just us, we'll go to a café yeah? Like when you were a little munchkin" My mum chuckled pinching my cheek.
"If you'd like" I was happy to have my mum around, she fussed a lot, but it was nice to be cared for again.
"Once we went to this little café in town, and you bloody spilt tea all over the expensive cloths, typical Dan" She laughed.
I giggled, I haven't changed too much then.
"Cost a fortune" My dad chimed in.
"Oh shush will you?" My mum snapped.
He didn't reply, just glanced back down at his paper.
"Let's go Dan! I'll drive us until we find somewhere!" She said tugging my sleeve.
I nodded, and followed her down to the front door, it was nice to get out, it felt like I was starting over.
My mum locked the door behind us and we hurried over to the car, as to avoid the rain, due to sunny England in all it's glory.
I jumped into the car in a panic and ran my fingers through my hair, trying to straighten it out.
"Shit weather" I sighed.
"Dan" She warned, she wasn't too bothered, I knew, but liked to keep me in line.
"It is a poor day though" she agreed, starting the car.
"What did you expect?" I joked.
She chuckled, and I watched the rain fall down the window and the houses fly past, thinking about how it'd be nice to have a proper house with Phil one day.
"Can you still do your weird hand thing?" My mum asked suddenly.
Funnily enough I knew what she meant, and clasped my hands together, making them do an odd wave motion.
"That's so strange Dan!" She exclaimed excitedly.
Phil always found it amusing when I did my hand thing, though he could never do it himself, he believes he can though, silly.
"I'm not really sure why I can do it" I wondered out loud.
"It's unique".
I chuckled. "You could say that I suppose".
My mum stopped the car after a moment outside a small café in the town centre.
I braced myself and rushed out of the car, holding my fringe in place and running to the doors, feeling proud at my lack of hair destruction.
"Oh my god Dan!" I heard from beside me.
I looked across and smiled widely, I think I knew immediately I'd been recognised.
"Hi!" I said grinning.
The girl beside me looked about 14, she was smiling massively and her family were stood a little way back, keeping an eye on the two of us.
"Hi, my names Sophie! I just wanted to say I love your videos. Phil's too".
I appreciated it, I wanted to show her that, because I really do care for my fans, and they're often so lovely.
"Aw thank you Sophie! Honestly it's all because of viewers like you".
A little time of talking passed and we took a photo, and she left, I felt pretty good knowing I'd have some kind of positive impact on her day, even if I am just Dan.
I joined my mum inside the café and she had already ordered us some tea.
"What a sweetheart" My mum said smiling, referring presumably to Sophie.
"I know right?" I said grinning.
"It seems to have perked you up a bit, I'm glad" She said, raising her eyebrows intuitively.
"Yeah" I mumbled, I often hated how well my mum could read me.
"I'll spare the big talk Dan, but I hope you're okay, I'm sorry about Phil" She sighed.
"I'm fine!" I said hurriedly, chewing on my lip nervously, I had made her worry.
"Mm okay" she muttered.
Phil's P.O.V
"I'm fine" I sighed.
"Clearly not Phil, just stop thinking about him, he's gone, it's done" Alex said firmly.
"But last night-"
"Was a goodbye".
I could tell I must've looked upset, but I didn't care, Alex was being irritating lately, he rarely left my side, asking to come over, wanting to stay the night.
I barely had time to think of Dan with him on my case all day.
"Don't pout" Alex insisted, stroking my lower lip with his thumb.
I pulled away uncomfortably and frowned.
"What? Isn't that okay unless it's Dan?" He asked angrily.
"Don't be dramatic" I sighed.
"I'm right though, aren't I?" He persisted.
"I love him" I sighed.
"You don't think I know that? I spend every day with you and I still have nothing pinned on Dan, even when he isn't here". He spat folding his arms grumpily.
"I just miss him" I said ignoring his mood.
"Well he's gone, what can you do Phil? Go up there for him? Dream on".
My stomach churned and I looked up at Alex suddenly.
"I could... I could go up there to him" I whispered.
"Don't be stupid" Alex tutted, nudging my arm firmly.
"No, you're right, it is stupid, it's entirely bonkers, but I could..."
"Go ahead you psycho".
I knew it was a dumb idea and he wouldn't take it seriously, but I'm beginning to think if I don't get Dan back, I'm actually going to go crazy.
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