Chapter 18 ~ Just filler-fluff (super short)

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Phil's P.O.V

I lay still in my bed, staring up at my ceiling, I couldn't stop thinking about that bruise on Dan's face, it's been around a week since he came home with it, I believed him so easily, but these days... Can I trust him? I thought about what my dad said. Be careful.

Mr Howell wouldn't hurt his own son though, right? But Dan's not gay...?

My door slowly creaked open.

Dan wandered in through the dark, what was he doing? It was surely 4am by now, yet he was still awake. He yawned sleepily. Walking to my bedside. Pulling up the duvet and wrapping himself in it, by my side.

Really? Even sleeping with me now?

He cuddled into me, his slender arms snaking around my waist, giving me a tight feeling in my chest and my heart beat, increasing rapidly.

"Dan?" I whispered.

"Hm? Nope, sleep now, talk later." He grumbled.

I lay still for a minute before speaking up again.

"Okay but Da-"

"Fucks sake! What's up?" He snapped. He was particularly grumpy while tired.

"I was just wondering... What you were doing um, here?" I said gesturing to my bed and his current sleeping position.

"Oh" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, I missed you. Had a kind of need to be with you, okay? I just want to be with you"

I blushed and kissed his forehead softly, wrapping my self around him protectively.

"Fair enough" I whispered.

He craned his neck up, to look me in the eyes, he had fear in his eyes and a smile on his face.

"Night" he whispered, closing his eyes.

I mumbled something along those lines back quietly, falling back into my train of thought.

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