Chapter 7 ~ What if he died?

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I'm meant to be doing homework.
That's it. I have no excuses.

Phil's P.O.V

I'm so pathetic, I'm lying behind closed doors, daydreaming about a boy just across the hall. The pathetic part is that its Dan, who I've joked around with about 'phan' so many times its not even funny anymore.

I hadn't even bothered trying to cheer myself up anymore, I stopped planning events with PJ, Chris, Ben or anyone. I barely left my room, I was becoming a human machine, and I was broken, out of power to get me going, my power was Dan, and I wasn't doing anything without him anytime soon.

I knew he was hurting too, maybe he missed me? Perhaps not in the same way, but its still something, last night I heard sniffles coming from his room, and I heard him mutter something along the lines of 'I am brave'.

I wanted to be in there with him, so he didn't have to be brave. It was the hardest thing to do, resist going in there and keeping him safe until he fell asleep.

I lay in bed, still. Shaking anxiously at the thought of Dan lonely.

People don't see us as ourselves anymore. We're 'Dan and Phil' now, always, and it was actually quite an accurate title.

We weren't quite right without eachother, I was just the strange one without Dan laughing at me, who would laugh at my jokes if it wasn't Dan? And Dan was just the morbid one, known for his existentiality on the internet, and I wasn't there to smile through his sarcasm.

We didn't function without the other, we need eachother, which isn't always good, as much as I admire Dan, I worry that I hold him back, maybe he could move forwards without me.

My stomach turned at the thought, and I tensed up as my body started to shake nervously, I haven't eaten in a day or so, maybe that's it. I should go to the kitchen.

I threw back the blanket and stumbled up and out of bed, my head felt heavy and the room blurred around me, oh god.

I stumbled forwards, clutching the door handle and swinging it open, the rooms I entered spun round me and I stumbled into several walls in the corridor, which made my stomach churn more. Finally reaching the bathroom door and entering, I collapsed onto the floor by the toilet.

Feeling the contents of my stomach swirl round, suddenly active and then urged it's way up my throat, I tilted my head to the toilet and emptied bile and liquids from my body.

I felt my body fall back, before I smacked my head against the bathroom tiles.

Dan's P.O.V

I heard it come from the bathroom, just after hearing him gag and splutter.

What the fuck was he up to?

I just decided to ignore it, he probably had a cold, with only a few days until Christmas he was bound to be cold.

I returned to the browsing position in my bed, scrolling through twitter and tumblr, people demanding new videos from both me and Phil, I do need to make one soon, my last one was 3 weeks ago, Phil was far more organized and had uploaded last week, fans still became needy though.

I hadn't heard noise from the bathroom, or Phil for a while, my protective worries kicked in, what if he fell? He could be injured, I imagined a pool of crimson blood lining in thin pale frame and couldn't stand the sight.

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