Chapter 6 ~ It meant nothing

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Phil's P.O.V

I hung my bag over my shoulder, grabbing my apartment keys and rushing towards the front door.

I passed through the front room, where Dan sat eating his cereal in front of the TV.

His eyes glued to the screen, a small smile on his face as the laughter came from the screen. I stared at him as I walked forwards. He was so pretty.

He giggled suddenly at a joke from the actors, along with mock laughter of the audience behind the scenes of the show.

My foot got caught back and I stumbled forwards, my body plunging to the floor.

Dan ripped his eyes away from the the TV and stared towards me.

I groaned and pushed myself up off the floor, glancing at Dan who was chuckling to himself.

I sighed and picked my bag up from the floor. I continued walking before Dan spoke up hastily.

"Where are you going?"

I smiled slightly at his words, it was nothing special, but Dan hadn't spoken to me in several days now, nor had I spoken to him. It was satisfying to hear the curiosity inside his voice.

"To see Chris and PJ, why? Do you want to come?" I asked steadily, but glancing at the door, knowing I was late.

"Oh, no that's okay. I don't want to." He said his eyes returning to the TV screen.

Usually I would've left, but I was tempted to push further.


He glanced back at me, his eyes going dark and his face going serious.

"You know why." He snapped.

"Well, its not my fault." I muttered, just loud enough for him to hear.

"Mine either. I was drunk! What did you expect? I could've just as easily made out with PJ." He spat angrily.

It felt strange hearing him talk so casually about it, as though the fact it was me meant nothing. Maybe he was right.

I didn't say anything else, I turned around and walked to the door, stepping into the corridor and slamming the door shut.

I stood outside the door, not moving for a while, just staring at the floor.

I took a deep breath and squeezed my eyes shut for a few seconds, before reopening them and walking down the corridor, fists clenched by my sides, I'd never really gone out with friends without Dan.

I walked out of the building and through the streets, considering I was late, I kept my head down, I didn't want too many fans to notice me, I needed to get to Chris and Peej.

"Oh for fucks sake! What do you mean no? I need those papers by tomorrow or el- no! I swear to god don't you hand up on m- ... Fuck." A woman spat bitterly into her phone hurrying past me, sometimes I forgot how easy my job was, as a youtuber, editing was the biggest challenge I faced, which really is nothing, and I don't have to worry about being fired, and I've met the most amazing people through YouTube.

I was quite proud of how far I'd come.

Dan too.

I came to the doors of the usual coffee shop, me Peej, Chris and Dan drank at, and immediately saw Chris and PJ waiting by a table.

I chewed my lip and hurried over.

"I'm so so so sorry!" I babbled pulling out a chair and slumping into it.

"S'okay, we literally only got here a minute ago" Chris giggled.

PJ rolled his eyes "Chris shut up! He doesn't have to know that, we were totally on time" he chuckled.

Chris stuck his tongue out at him, closing his eyes and waggling it, mocking him.

"Twat" PJ giggled, poking his tongue.

"Ew, germs" Chris said pointing at PJ's finger.

"Stop flirting and order a drink guys seriously" I joked, winking at PJ.

"Oh shut up, just because you're in the friend zone, we can't be flirtatious?" PJ snapped back, chuckling, and putting a silly accent on the word flirtatious.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I mumbled.

They both looked at each other and giggled.

"Sure, okay, loverboy." Chris said, then added "How do your lips feel today? Still tingly and wonderful from your sexy make out session?"

I just rolled my eyes.

Was I friend zoned?

I hadn't addressed my feelings for Dan in front of him, so I can't be?

Well, I did kiss him.

But he asked for it.

Maybe he likes someone.

I guess I am friend zoned either way.

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