Chapter 33 ~ Party Planning

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Dan's P.O.V ~ might spend more time from Dan's point of view as his feelings are more dramatic and crucial to the plot atm. :)
It was Friday, me and Phil were shopping for food and shit at the store, Phil always seems lost in the aisles at the store, like a small child sent off by his parents to look for 'the best washing up liquid'.
"These?" Phil asked picking up some cheese puffs and looking anxious like he was asking something inappropriate.
"If you want" I said smiling softly, to reassure him that this was his party too.
He tossed them into the trolley and scanned the aisles some more, selecting several different tubs of Pringles.
"Oh, right, we need toilet roll" he reminded me.
"Oh, okay" I nodded.
I pushed the trolley on looking up and down the cereal shelves. I wasn't sure if Phil had finished mine or not.
"There's still some left" Phil laughed looking over at me.
"Well there's a surprise!"
He grinned at me and panned back to the shelves.
"I'm assuming we need alcohol?" Phil asked quietly gesturing to the end of the aisle, where there were craters and shevles packed with different alcohol.
"Um, yeah I think so, probably, yeah"
He nodded and grabbed four, six packs of beer and setting then down in the trolley, he then glanced around for a minute and grabbed two bottles of vodka and some red wine.
"Jeez" I chuckled.
"Well I don't want to run out, and people have different preferences" Phil said looking round some more.
"Whiskey?" I suggested.
He nodded and grabbed some, putting it at the back of the cart.
"Are you going to be, um... Drinking?" He asked trying to sound casual, but I knew why he was asking.
"No, not heavily, I don't plan on getting drunk".
"Oh, good, sometimes people change, and get... uh weird when they drink".
I can imagine he was remembering something that I'd done, I'm kind of glad I don't remember half the things I did, I think I was such a mess its better to push past it. I'd be even angrier with myself to learn more things I'd done to hurt Phil.
"Yeah, remember Chris when he drank? He really came out of his shell" I laughed.
"Yeah... We should get cake" He said excitedly.
Phil dashed off, assumably to the cake section and I grabbed a few boxes of cupcakes and headed to the toiletry aisle.
I wanted to make sure we had everything in the toiletries bag in the bathroom, I'm not too great with the female items but I try my best, always choosing different sanitary towels, and making sure we have air freshener and decent hand wash. It's just nice to feel clean at other people's houses.
My phone started buzzing in my pocket, and I checked the caller ID.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hi Dan, it's um.. Me?" My mum said.
I hadn't spoken to her too much recently, I was too nervous after my conversation with dad.
"Hey, mum" I tried to sound cheerful, I wanted her to know I'm okay, and that she didn't need to worry.
"I just wanted to make sure you're okay, it's been a while since you rang-"
"You know why" I said sharply.
I heard her sigh.
"I know Dan, okay? I'm sorry, I just miss you so much and-" her voice cracked and I felt a twinge of guilt in my stomach, fuck please don't cry mum. "I just wanted to talk to you, I'm not expecting you to talk to your father... But I talked to him, I explained that you're our son, and that he was irrational... And that he was ruining you, but you were smart enough to get out of that one yourself".
"I know".
"Look, I can't imagine what you've been through but... Don't leave us in the dark okay? Your dad misses you and he really wants to speak to you, of course you don't have to, but I think he wants to apologise Dan, so maybe..." I could hear her crying now.
I felt awful. I'd do anything to make her calm down.
"Mum? It's okay, I... I'll talk to him, you can visit yeah? Maybe that'd be good... For all of us, and if dad can warm to Phil... He won't feel so hostile, I've never known anyone to know Phil and dislike him". I said cheerily.
She sniffled slightly and I wanted to cry too but I had to fix this.
"Yeah, that could work, when would you like us to come up?" She said, calming slightly.
"Monday? Were having a party on Saturday, or um, tomorrow now I guess" I chuckled "So we should be sorted by then".
"Okay, well, we'll all come up then!" She sounded so pleased.
"But mum, Please know that I'm not letting...him stay if he hurts me or Phil, dad can't repeat Christmas, do you know how much I had to lie about my bruise? Phil was worried sick. He needs to sort his shit out by Monday, he can't just hit me mum!" I was getting a little worked up so I took a deep breath. "Just make sure he is-" I noticed Phil, standing about half a meter away from me holding a few boxes. Shit.
"Mum, I have to go, I'll call you on Sunday okay? Love you bye".
"Oh uh, bye-"
I ended the call.
I wasn't sure how much he heard but I was scared he was going to yell at me. Or get upset that I lied.
"Phil.. I'm sorry, I just..."
He took a few steps forward and my heart was pounding.
He dropped the cake straight into the trolley.
He took another step forwards and lunged out into me.
Wrapping his arms around my back.
He was hugging me...
I smiled and buried my face into his shoulder, I was so thankful no one else was on this aisle.
"You smell warm" He said.
I laughed, "You always say that".
He pulled away and giggled.
I was very disappointed to say the least.
"Phil, I'm really sorry I lied to y-"
"Sh, it's okay" he said smiling "let's not talk about it, it's better to get over it! But you can always tell me those things you know? Of course I'll worry but I'd rather know the truth".
"Oh god you sound like my mum, speaking of... I promised they could visit on Monday".
"That's fine, have you told her about Japan?" He asked, tidying up the trolley.
"Oh, no I forgot, I'll tell them on Monday though".
"Okay! Oh I saw some fizzy drinks and soda down there, he said pointing down the aisle, so we should get some because not everyone wants to drink".
I gripped the handlebar of the trolley and followed Phil.
I smiled brightly, still glowing at the fact he hugged me.
I love you so much.

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