Chapter 35 ~ PhilPhilPhil

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Two words for you.
Vampire. Weekend.
(Nothing to do with the chapter but... You know)
Dan's P.O.V
"Deck! The halls with boughs of holly!" Phil sung joyfully as he laid out the last of the drinks. Humming along the rest of the tune.
"Tempting bad luck?" Alex laughed, helping layout cups.
It felt weird to have him back here, I felt like a dog, like I had to mark my territory, but... Phil wasn't mine.
He was an hour early for the party, I couldn't believe how he and Phil acted together, as if, nothing ever happened. I mean, they were together, for at least a month right?
I mean did they...?
Oh god, nope, let's not go there.
Phil seemed natural, but I couldn't shake the fact that Alex wanted... More.
The way he looked at him, talked to him, smiled with him, laughed with him, touched him...
I wanted to slap him.
"Dan?" Phil called out to me, they were both staring at me.
"Oh" I looked up at them and blinked firmly "Yeah, yeah".
I got the grasp of the point they were trying to make, I wasn't helping.
I turned and walked into the kitchen to grab some more bottles, and smiled at them both as I walked back in.
"How've you been, Dan?" Alex said, turning his head and smiling.
"Great! My virtual Sims house is symmetrical, I just finished re-watching Doctor Who, we're going to Japan..." I chuckled, placing down my last bottle.
Phil giggled, pulling the table sheet straight.
"Your sarcasm never does stop does it?" Alex noted, still smiling.
I wish I could wipe that damn smile off his face.
"At least Phil laughed". I snapped, smirking slightly.
I knew exactly how to get to him, just which buttons to press.
"I bet you loved that!" He snarled... But then again, so did he.
"Thanks again for helping Alex". Phil chimed in.
I glanced over at him, running his hand back through his hair and sighing, he looked exhausted. I knew I was being childish, but, I couldn't care less. I just wanted him out. Alex... I mean.
"Phil you should get some rest... I'll wake you for the party, you look shattered, I'm pretty sure Alex is just leaving now anyway". I said, grinning over at Alex and ruffling Phil's hair playfully.
"Hmmm I don't know..." I smiled as sweetly as I could, he deserved a rest. "Ohh, okay! Promise to wake me?" He said sleepily.
"I promise"
He smiled brightly. "Okay, I'll see you tonight Alex?"
"Not if I see you first" he said softly, stepping towards Phil and kissing the top of his head.
Even Phil looked unsure then, and stood there for a moment before just leaving, to go to his room.
"Ok well b-"
"Who the fuck do you think you're fooling?" Alex suddenly laughed out bitterly.
"Excuse me?" I was genuinely shocked at his sudden outburst.
"You are so in love with Phil!" He laughed again.
His voice was irritatingly loud and I pressed my hands firmly over his mouth.
"Shut the fuck up, what the hell dude?"
I took my hands away scowling furiously.
"So it's true?" He said, noticeably lowering his voice.
"No! I don't have to answer to you" I hissed.
"No, but what about tonight? Everyone will be all over each other, all over Phil, can you handle that? Won't you just snap, under the pressure of someone else touching him" he taunted, I held onto each word. Damn he was good.
"Hey, I managed to watch you suck his face for a few weeks, this is one party, this is nothing, me and Phil are dedicated to this friendship" I spat angrily.
"Woah, Howell, take five Jesus Christ, all I'm saying is. Sometimes it's the things we love the most that destroy-"
I sighed loudly.
"Don't use movie quotes on me okay, just go. We'll see you later" I said flatly, I can't deal with him right now.
He smiled brightly, and turned to the door.
"Just think about it, Phil isn't going to be around forever".
I glared at him, burning holes into the back of his head as he closed the door behind him. I suppose he was right, I knew he wanted this, to get in my head and damn it was working!
I hate him!
I considered the thought of getting drunk at this party just so I'd have an excuse of some kind or something to blame it on, if I 'accidentally' kick his ass.
I shook my head, no, no drinking tonight.
A clean slate, that's what we want.
That's what we have now, no going back!
Tonight is just a test for me, showing that I can keep things under control... Because I know I can... Right?


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