Chapter 50 ~ This is real.

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Dan's P.O.V
I'm so childish. It was like someone had taken my favourite toy in the playground, they'd done nothing truly wrong, but you can't help but sit staring at this new pair, your toy and him, getting along, playing nice. But the more it goes on, the more bitter you feel. It's mine. It's always been mine.
Phil's P.O.V
We weren't talking, Dan was sat on his bed in the corner of the room, I sat on mine by the door, the room wasn't too big, but the distance felt huge.
I knew he wasn't going to say anything, it was my move to make.
I thought of a million questions I could ask;
Why did you drag me out of there?
What's wrong?
Should I call Duncan and Mimei to tell them we're okay?
Were you jealous?
Are we okay?
But there was only question I wanted to ask.
I couldn't bring myself to say it, the pain of the rejection would be too much, and what would even happen?
I looked up from my lap and met Dan's eyes before he looked away hurriedly, embarrassed.
He sighed and stood up off his bed, grabbing his coat.
"I'm getting some air".
He walked towards the door and my heart was racing, I wanted to ask him, I didn't want him to go.
Ask him, Phil. Now.
"Dan do you still love me!?" I yelled as he reached the door. My heart broke inside my chest and I thought I was going to puke.
He turned to me and I couldn't read him, he didn't look angry, or happy, or upset, he just stared at me.
"Because, I still love you-" I continued. "And nothing has been right ever since that became so clear, and I don't think a brand new country can fix that".
He stood there staring at me calmly.
"It's okay". He whispered.
Sitting beside me on the bed, and taking my hand. He stroked my skin gently for a moment, not looking into my eyes and I hadn't realised how much I needed him to touch me until this moment.
"I didn't want him to touch you" He said softly. He sounded confused now and I wasn't sure what to do.
"I didn't either" I whispered finally, starting to shake.
"I'm done messing around Phil" he whispered back, he was so close and I diverted my eyes back and forth between his eyes and his lips.
"Me too" as if it was a signal for consent, he closed the gap between us and kissed me.
It was simple and gentle, but it was as if this said 1000 words we couldn't. And I knew, this wasn't something stupid anymore, it wasn't an argument or lust. It was real.

Short, cliff hanger. Happy holidays guys! Made this short so if any of you read it, you don't have to waste too much time reading on this busy day!! <3

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