Chapter 5 ~ Giving up

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Phil's P.O.V

I opened my eyes groggily, and stared at the ceiling.
2 days now.

Dan hadn't spoken a word to me in two days. It was the longest we hadn't spoke.

Even if one of us went away we would Skype almost every day.

I turned onto my side and glanced at my phone, checking the time.


Usually if I slept past 11 Dan woke me up.

Unless I was ill, then he'd sit beside my bed telling me weird stories to help me sleep. Or he'd play piano.

I wished I was ill now, most often I'd pretend to be sick, so Dan would stay with me.

I decided I may as well stay in bed now.

I didn't feel like eating if Dan wasn't eating with me, and TV wasn't the same without Dan critisizing the characters acting skills. Music wasn't the same without me and Dan dancing around and being idiots.

Home wasn't the same without Dan's voice.

I pulled the duvet up to my chin. Why were we such stupid awkward turtles. We couldn't just push past it. We'd dug a hole too deep to climb out of.

I clung to the bed sheets tight and started to sing softly to myself.

I decided to be dramatic and cheesy because I liked being dramatic, it made my life seem more interesting.
"I won't give up, on, us. Even if the skies, get, rough, I'm giving you all, my, love, I'm still looking up, and when your needing your space, to do some navagating, I'll be here patiently waiting, to see what you find. Even the stars they burn, some even fall to earth, we've got a lot to learn, god knows we're worth it"

I chuckled and shut my eyes, continuing to hum the tune, maybe tomorrow will be better.

I missed Dan. More than ever.

And I realised, that me and Dan both had given up on us.

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