So, hey..

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So it's been, over a year I think since I've updated, wow. I "fell off the grid" I guess.
A lot has happened in this past year, and I know I've got a lot of comments and messages, anyway, I don't think I'll be "finishing the story".
I'm really sorry if anyone's actually still waiting for an update, I know it's been a long time but I will happily answer any questions in the comments or if anyone needs to talk about anything at all, please message me 😚!
I'm really sorry again if anyone's still reading this, I hope you enjoyed it as much as you could with the 51 chapters I wrote, and I hope you're all doing well!
Please message me if you have anything at all to say, even just to talk, thanks! Hope you understand ❤️️
- Naomi

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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