Chapter 34 ~ Decorating.

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Dan's P.O.V
"Just... Put it over there" Phil said gesturing to the kitchen counter.
I did as he said and laughed a little.
"Stop worrying yourself we still have hours until the party! Honestly lighten up okay? You'll drive me insane!"
Phil pinned up some bunting around the doorway and sighed.
"What's wrong?" I asked nervously. I hadn't meant to upset him.
"Nothing really, I'm just tired, so I'm kinda grumpy I guess" he mumbled, pulling a face.
"You shouldn't have stayed up planning, its only a little party Phil"
"Still, I want people to have a good time" he pouted.
"And they will, cmon' we have enough alcohol to get a whole swat team drunk! How can anyone be bored?"
I grinned.
"You're right, as usual! Blegh! I'm okay, let's take a break? For lunch or something"
"Okay, sounds good".
"Pizza? Maybe?"
"Sure, the usual?"
"Ya!" He smiled.
I grinned and went to pick up the phone off the kitchen counter.
Phil went back to hanging bunting around the doors.
I dialed the pizza place and waited.
"Hi! London's finest pizza! This is Christie! Can I take your order?"
I rolled my eyes at the exaggeration in the woman's voice.
"Yeah we'll have a large cheese pizza, thanks" I said unsurely.
"Cool will that be all?"
"Uh, yeah thanks".
I gave our address and skipped back to the living room excitedly to where Phil was.
"Done!" Phil said excitedly, grinning from ear to ear.
"Woah really? All finished?"
"Yep!" He said jumping up happily.
"See? No stress!" I said stepping forwards and ruffling his messy hair.
"Oh, I haven't really gotten ready yet..." He said shyly.
"Don't worry you look cute".
I froze for a split second processing what I'd said and hoping, praying to god he wouldn't pick up on it.
"Thanks!" He said leaning up to ruffle my hair in return.
I felt sudden relief all over and smiled back at him.
"Sometimes I forget how tall you are now" he mumbled looking me up and down.
I felt suddenly self-conscious around Phil, and stepped back a little.
I laughed out squeakily, as my voice cracked, fuck.
Just change topic please, Jesus Christ.
"We're so old" Phil sighed.
"Hey, sh now you're doing my job".
He laughed. "Oops!".
"Put TV on, we'll just wait for the pizza, I'll get your laptop".
He smiled. "Thanks Dan, what would I do without you?"
I shrugged and beamed at him, I was so pleased he felt that he needed me around, I'd never manage without Phil.

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