Charged 24 ~ Louise

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Phil's P.O.V

"Phil, listen to me, give it a month, if nothing changes, we'll call it off, okay?"
I nodded. I'd do it for Dan, and for Alex. I didn't want to let anyone down.
"Good". He said.
"Okay, so when are we planning on telling Dan about us?" I sighed.
"Oh that's okay, I already did" he said, patting my shoulder firmly and walking out the door.

Alex's P.O.V

I turned my back on Phil walking out to Dan again, as soon as he saw me, his eyes went dark yet again and he stood up abruptly, turning down the hall and walking on.
"Dan". I called out.
He stopped in his tracks.
"What?" he sighed.
I saw him clench his fists angrily, for a moment I considered the fact he might hit me.
"Fuck you".
But he walked off, like a child in a tantrum.
I decided to push it, I really liked winding Dan up, its not often he gets angry, I can just imagine him inside his room, pacing.
"Babe?" I called to the kitchen.
Phil popped his head round the door, wearing a puzzled expression.
"Me?" He asked.
I nodded, making 'shh' gestures and pressing my finger to my lips, then pointing to the direction Dan was in.
He nodded hastily, grasping onto what I was talking about.
Before, he went blank, as though remembering something else.
"Dan, I made you tea!"
This is it.
I heard the door open, footsteps in rthym down the hall, and-

Phil's P.O.V
He kissed me.
Alex fucking kissed me! Out of no where, Dan appeared in the doorway and Alex was all over me. Was this part of the plan? Do I need to kiss back. I thought of the possibility of Alex being annoyed if I didn't, because I ruined his idea. I didn't want that. So I leaned into him a little more and kissed back.
It wasn't anything, special. Just a kiss, really, it was fine.
He pulled away after a few seconds, in taking breath sharply, then ruffling my fringe.
I glanced at Dan, eyes widened, he looked mortified.
"His tea Phil, remember?" Alex giggled.
"Oh! Right yeah!" I went into the kitchen and picked up the mug, taking it back to Dan.
"Thanks Philly" he said, taking the mug.
I turned to alex and raised an eyebrow.
Dan left to return to his room again.
"He seemed fine, maybe this is stupid" I said, wiping my mouth on the back of my sleeve.
Alex repeated this motion, then shrugged.
I sighed, I'd already promised we'd try this for a month at least.
"What was that kiss for anyways? Bit excessive, don't you think?" I muttered.
"It was a test, we have to try everything!" He hissed.

Dan's P.O.V
What a fucker. What a fucker.
Why didn't Phil tell me? All this time I've been messing around with him he could've said 'I have a boyfriend!'
But no! Now I look like a complete idiot.
"Babe?" I hears Alex's muffled voice.
Ugh, what now?
I waited a few seconds before I heard Phil.
"Dan, I made you tea!"
I sighed, I didn't want to go back in there, I pushed myself off the bed and swung open the door, walking down the hall.
I turned the corner to the lou-
What the fuck.
Get off him. Get off. Stop it.
Alex had Phil close in his arms, their lips locked passionately.
Stop it.
I didn't want to look but I couldn't tear my eyes away from them.
What the hell?!
Alex pulled away breathlessly and Phil blushed furiously. Alex was the first to acknowledge my existence, then Phil.
We shared an uncomfortable eye contact briefly, before Alex chuckled.
"His tea Phil, remember?"
Phil smiled, "Oh right! Yeah!"
He left to go to the kitchen.
Alex smiled brightly at me.
"Sorry about that" he laughed.
I just shrugged.
Phil burst through the door carrying the mug cautiously, before handing it to me.
"Thanks Philly" I said, taking it off him.
I wonder if Alex has a nickname for Phil?
I turned briskly and wandered back to my room.
I opened my door and slammed it angrily.
"Fuck!" I hissed.
I fell back onto my bed. Why do I have to care?
Why did any of this even happen?
After a minute my phone buzzed.
I sighed and lifted it to see the caller.
That's odd? She never calls, only texts me.
I answered it.
'Hey lou-'
I was interrupted by a loud pitiful sniff on the other end. I panicked at the realisation that this wasn't a friendly hello.
"Louise? What's going on? Is everything okay?"
Stupid question, of course everything wasn't okay.
"I-its Matt" she hiccuped out shakily.
"What? Is he okay!? Was there an accident!? What about Darcy?" I cried out, my heart was pounding.
"N-no! Darcy is fine Dan, B-but" she exhaled slowly, trying to calm herself down. "Fuck, I'm s-sorry" she sniffled.
"Hey it's okay! Uh- deep breaths" I muttered, I was kinda confused as to why she called me to be honest, Zoey and Tanya were her best friends, why hadn't she called them?
"Thanks Dan, love you chummy. Okay, s-so, me and Matt have been arguing for a while, we tried hard to pull it together for Darcy, but it only stopped for a while, about an hour ago... H-he" she choked back tears.
"He said he couldn't do it anymore- couldn't be with me. I wasn't right for him anymore. He was unhappy and he could see I wasn't either, which was true I guess, but I love him... I- I" She faded off, not knowing what to say.
"Lou... I'm so sorry..." I didn't even know how to react.
"It's okay, but Dan..?" She mumbled.
"Can you and Phil please come over, I can't be alone tonight"
"What about Matt and Darcy?"
I heard her sniffle a little more.
"Matt went to stay at his parents for a few days... He took her with him. I could hardly oblige when he pulled the 'Darcy hasn't seen grandma and grandad in ages, have you Darcy?' Card". She sighed shakily.
"Oh" I sighed too.
"So can you, please?"
She sounded unstable, I was genuinely nervous she might do something to herself.
It was nearly 9, trains were still running, she lived a little over an hour away.
"Sure, just let me get rid of some unwanted company and I'll tell Phil what's going on" I said firmly.
"Oh? Someone's there? I'd hate to be a bother, you don't have to! Who is it?"
"Only fucking Alex, Phil's college frie- boyfriend" I spat angrily.
"Shit, I'm sorry Dan it must be torture for you over there! I didn't realise Phil had a boyfriend" she said sympathetically.
"Me either until tonight" I sighed.
She didn't say anything. She didn't need to, I knew she felt sorry for me. I'd told Louise a while back about my feelings for Phil.
"I'll get rid of him now, can I call you back Lou? When we're setting off, text me if anything happens until then". I said.
"Okay" she agreed.
I took my phone away from my ear and hung up.
This was serious.
I got off my bed and stormed through the door.
I walked down the hall and into the lounge where Phlex were sat on the couch.
That's a stupid ship name.
"Alex. You've over stayed your welcome". I spat angrily, we were in a rush.
"What?" Phil asked, he looked startled.
I turned to him, "Phil, Louise called, I'll explain later, but we have to leave. Now".
He nodded, "Alex you need to leave".
I grinned, I tried to hold it back but I couldn't. Fuck off Alex.
"Okay, call me okay Phil?" He said holding Phil by the waist.
No. Get off him.
"I will" Phil giggled.
Alex then leaned in, connecting their lips, it was heated, their mouths moved together in motion as Alex, explored Phil further.
My Phil.
I couldn't take it, it was as though every muscle in my body burnt with anger. I lunged forwards and shoved Alex hard.
"This isn't a fucking game. Get out. If you care about Phil at all, you'll let him help out a friend who needs him! So get your mouth and hands off him you fucking animal!" I spat, still gripping his shirt tight between my hands.
"You're right, Phil, I love you-"
I stopped listening. I dropped his shirt and stared at the floor, willing myself not to cry.
"- So go ahead, its okay, call me later okay" he said kissing Phil's cheek softly.
Maybe it was me. Maybe I did something wrong, to make Phil want him. Though who wants me? Hah.
My parents sure as hell don't.
That reminds me, I'm not supposed to think like this! I can't! Gay.. No.
I needed control. Over myself. Over Phil.
Alex walked through the door and closed it behind him.
"So what is going on?" Phil whimpered.
"Shut up" I growled.
I can't let him get control over me.
"We're going to the train station. Get your coat".
His eyes widened, nervously but he rushed to do as I said.
No. I can't love you Phil Lester I'm sorry, but I can't

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