Chapter 26 ~ WowwhatshouldIcallthischapteridk

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The train stopped and Dan's head snapped up, I froze, this was our stop, Louise lived about 10 minutes from here.
"Dan?" I whispered.
"Yeah?" He muttered back.
"We need to get off" My voice was hushed, neither of us wanted to think of the state Louise was in.
He sighed and stood up, his legs were shaky as he made his was to the train doors, I followed behind him, stepping off onto the platform.
Dan looked around, remembering which way to turn.
I pulled out my phone, thinking it'd be a good idea to check in with Louise.
I clicked her contact icon and pressed the phone to my ear, my hands were shaking lightly at the thoughts of what could've happened to her if she doesn't pick up.
The dial tones rung a few times and I held my breath, and waited.
More dial tones, then-
"Phil?" She mumbled.
I let out a sigh of relief.
Dan glanced at me curiously.
"Louise, hey, were like 10 minutes away" I sighed.
I sent Dan a positive nod, for reassurance and he smiled back.
"Come on".

Dan's P.O.V
Phil was walking fast, practically charging down the streets, it was dark and I wondered what kind of personal hell this place would be if it weren't for street lamps.
Phil was pulling me along by tugging the edge of my sleeve, firmly.
It was still unsettling, with darkness cascading around us, boxing us in, it was as though we could drown in this, thick dense layer of darkness. Who knows what's behind the screens of black? That's the scariest part. I can't see further than the light. Anything could be out there. I just-
"Dan?" Phil stopped, abruptly.
He turned to look me in the eyes.
It was pretty cold out, the wind had a harsh edge to it. But Phil made everything better, he looked me in the eyes and I knew I was safe. I knew we'd be okay. Louise would be okay.
"Yeah?" I mumbled. I suppose it was awkward the fact I couldn't tear my eyes from his, but it was like a safety blanket.
"Are you afraid?" Phil whispered. I saw his breath flee his mouth and get caught in the wind, in a flurry.
I nodded shakily.
Phil gave me a sympathetic look and pulled me into him.
I felt so close to him. My whole body pressed against his. It was warm.
I breathed out and watched my breath fade into the darkness.
"Not long now. It'll be okay, you can hold my hand if you're scared" he muttered into my shoulder.
I pulled away and smiled.
"No homo" I joked.
You have a boyfriend, Philly, remember?
He rolled his eyes and continued down the road, picking up his pace yet again.
C l u e l e s s.

Phil's P.O.V
We turned the corner onto Louise's street, seeing Louise's house was pretty close and the lights were all off, we ambled up to it, neither of us knowing what to expect. Just praying she was okay.
We came to the front gate and opened it, it creaked noisily, tearing through the silence and Dan winced at the noise.
The gate was open and we walked up the path. Finding confrontation with the door.
"Knock. I can't" Dan whispered.
"Fine" I sighed.
It was at this point I realised how much my hands were shaking, and how terrified I was.
I pushed myself forwards and knocked firmly on the door.
We waited, and waited. And waited.
"Knock again" Dan hissed. The fear in his voice was thick and clear.
I knocked again, louder this time.
I glanced up and noticed how bright the moon was and how much the stars twinkled.
We waited a little longer and nothing happened.
"Fuck Phil! Why isn't she answering? Her fucking car is here! Phil? You don't think? I mean- she wouldn't! Would she? Phil?" He cried in desperation.
"Of course not, don't be silly" but I wasn't so sure.
I turned to the path and followed it to the other side of the house.
"Where are you going?" Dan hissed quietly.
"The garden" I sighed.
I turned the corner and saw Louise, sat on Darcy's swing, staring straight up at the sky, her back to us both. I remained quiet as to not bother her.
"Dan, look" I said, tugging on his arm firmly.
He gazed at Louise as though he'd found his child that'd gotten lost in the supermarket and smiled fondly.
"You scared us you little shit" he mumbled.
"Language, Howell"
My eyes widened, in shock. Dan's head shot up.
"Sorry Lou" he laughed.
"Come on in boys, don't be shy" she said.
We stepped out into the moonlit garden and Louise stood up, greeting us both with a desperate hug.

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