Chapter 29 ~ Closure

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Phil's P.O.V
Louise hugged me for the last time, and sighed.
"You sure you've got every thing?" She asked, it was like visiting my mum.
I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Yes, we promise" I nodded.
"Good, awh, boys" she muttered looking up at us both and smiling "take care won't you?"
Dan grinned and I blushed slightly, I felt like a small child.
"We'll see you soon, Lou" Dan said cheerily.
I pryed Darcy from my leg and tapped her nose with my finger happily.
"Goodbye Dan, and Phillip!" She squealed.
"Goodbye princess Darcy!" We said in unison, (something we had planned earlier this morning).
She beamed with joy at this and Dan and I shared a knowing glance.
We stepped out of the front door into the cold and waved a final goodbye, heading down to the main station.
"Ugh I can't be bothered walking" Dan moaned after only a minute.
"We'll stop for coffee, lazy pants" I laughed, poking his side.
The wind blew and hit my face, it was a cold breeze as we were still in late winter, and English weather is bloody awful.
I shuddered as the wind howled through the streets.
"Cold?" Dan asked, raising his eye brows.
"Freezing!" I whined.
"I told you, to bring your coat! Didn't I?" He nagged.
"I know, I know... But the weatherman said-"
"Oh my god, it's a crappy weather forecast, okay? Who cares what the weatherman said? I was totally right!" He laughed mockingly.
I nodded in agreement, he was.
We walked further up the street as I glanced over at Dan who was shifting awkwardly out of his coat, and pulling off his sleeves.
I felt awful, I shouldn't have complained at all.
He pulled it off and outstretched his arm to me as we walked.
"Here". He said simply.
"No, no, it's fine" I nodded.
"It's really not, just take it, I'll be fine" he said persistently.
I took the coat from him and smiled thankfully.
"No worries".
I slipped my arms through each sleeve and immediately felt so much warmer, the coat came up to my neck and I smiled brightly, it smelt like Dan. I immediately felt the comfort of butterflies in my stomach for the strangest reason and chose to ignore them.
"Thank you". I said again.
He just smiled again, before taking his gaze down to his feet as he walked, his fringe falling over his eyes.
Things have been kind of difficult lately, but maybe now, things can finally be natural, I'm starting to realise, maybe this Dan thing was an illusion, put there by confusion of our friendship. Lately I've realised, I can't get caught up in this forever, I need to let go.
My phone buzzed in my pocket, interrupting my thoughts and I lifted it to see the caller.
"Hey!" I said cheerily answering, Dan referred to it as my 'phone voice'.
"Hey where are you? I stopped by your apartment like a bunch of times but you weren't in? I tried calling last night too, but you didn't pick up" he asked.
It hit me that I'd forgotten to tell Alex where I'd gone.
"Sorry, my friend is having a hard time at the minute and we just needed to be there for her". I said hoping he wasn't irritated.
" 'We' being you and Dan?"
"Yeah, me and Dan". I said, Dan glanced over at the mention of his name.
"Ah, how is the soul rending crush going anyway? Is it back? I remember you mentioned you were phasing out of it? Or something" He chuckled.
"Actually, great, I mean, it'll take a little time but I think everything's finally getting back to it's normal state and I know it wasn't part of the plan but maybe this can go back to normal too, everything was rather...rushed" I said quietly, hoping Dan wouldn't suspect too much.
"Totally! It was a weird plan but, here we go! I know you're kind of on off with Dan at the moment but you've really improved, so mutual 'break up' then!" He joked.
"It was fun while it lasted" I laughed.
"For sure, anyway, I'm supposed to be meeting my sister for coffee soon, so I should get going, bye Philly"
"Bye Alex" I said smiling brightly to myself.
I ended the call and smiled at Dan as a clear finish, to the phone call.
"Cute" he said simply.
I just nodded.
Alex and I's plan really was awful, how was I going to tell Dan we 'broke up' if I'm still going to see Alex as a friend?
"There's a coffee shop there, want to go in?" Dan asked, pointing over to a small local café, it looked like something taken from a Pixar movie.
I smiled and nodded.
Maybe now, would be a good time.
As good as any.

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