Chapter 27 ~ I'm doing just fine

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Phil's P.O.V
We all sat around Louise's coffee table, it was pretty quiet, slightly awkward too, we had said a few words, but honestly none of us knew what to say. Louise had made tea, though every sip was loud and harsh in the silence and honestly it was quite embarrassing. Though it'd look rude if I didn't have any, so I picked up my cup shakily, and tried to swallow some without making horribly unattractive slurping noises...
Dan shot me a sympathetic smile and proceeded to do the same thing, though, being the genius he is, spluttered loudly on the tea and slammed his cup back down to the table coughing and hacking.
He'd literally managed to choke on his tea.
"You okay?" Louise asked nervously, rubbing and patting his back.
His face was red, he panted heavily out of breath, the whole situation was rather amusing.
His eyes were watering too, but he giggled helplessly, soon Louise and I did the same.
"Wow" I chuckled.
Louise grinned at me and it was genuine, though times were tough, she grinned like it was just us losers against the world. It made me happy, inside and out.
We all were shushed at rough tires scraped up outside the window. We heard the engine shut off, followed by a door slamming shut.
'Matt's home" louise mumbled, she look surprised to say the least.
"Ill get it" Dan sighed, pushing against the table with his palms and sliding back in his chair, and marching toward the door.
"Dan you don't have to-"
"Lou, I'll be fine".
He sighed, smiling at her reassuringly and left.
I looked at Louise and smiled softly, then reached out to touch her hand.
We heard voices outside but nothing was audible.
The door creaked open slowly, as though it was too heavy for whoever was coming in. Louise smiled, as though she already knew.
"Mummy?" a small confused voice rang out before Darcy stepped out into view, and smiled brightly.
Louise held her arms out in a stretched motion and Darcy toddled along into the embrace.
'Aw' I giggled.
"Where is Dan?" I asked, specifically at Darcy, so I had to use my 'happy overlydone excited voice'. "Out with Daddy" she said pointing directly at the door and out into the driveway.
"They were yelling" she then said.
Louise sighed and pushed herself up onto her feet.
"Don't go out there Louise, Dan can handle it" I reassured her, but I was slightly worried, how far would the fight get?
"Okay" she sighed. "Phil, can you check then?".
I nodded and smiled.
"It'll be fine" I said again reassuring her.
I took a stride away from the table and headed towards the door.
It was cold outside, the wind was harsh, and I felt the hairs on my arms stand on end.
I glanced around but couldn't see Dan anywhere, or Matt for that matter.
"Dan?" I called.
"Fuck, Phil what're you doing, it's fucking freezing! Go inside" Dan called from around the house.
"Where's Matt?" I called back.
I heard Dan sigh, then his footsteps pressing into the ground.
He came around the corner and smiled weakly.
"Matt went to his parent's house, he was just dropping off Darcy" Dan said simply.
I glanced at his lips where he had a clear cut with bright red blood starting to form.
"Hey Dan what happened?" I asked reaching out to touch it.
He flinched, "Don't".
I just nodded.
"Let's go inside come on" I said tugging at his sleeve.
He sighed and nodded.
"I'm a fucking disaster" he mumbled on the way in, I don't think he meant for me to hear.
I chose not to reply. I wasn't up for another argument.
We walked back into where it was warm, and Louise looked much more settled when she saw us.
"Hey boys, you okay?" She said, letting Darcy tug at her hair, while sat on her lap.
"Dan has a battle wound" I chuckled.
"Oh let me see" Louise tutted.
She peered at Dan's lip cautiously and sighed.
"Accident prone aren't you chummy?"
Dan just shrugged.
"Let me fetch the antiseptic wipes, just one sec". She sighed.
"Does it hurt?" I asked, when she'd left the room.
"It's a numbing kind of pain". He said shrugging again.
I nodded.
She came back in carrying a small green bag, which I assumed was first aid, then pulled out some cotton buds, and a little bottle.
She dabbed the liquid from inside the bottle onto the cotton and smiled softly at Dan, before dabbing the contents onto his lip, he winced anxiously and his teeth bit down softly onto his lower lip.
After a minute I realised I'd had my gaze quite dreamily fixated on Dan's lips for some time now.
My heart was pounding too, rather uneasily and I felt as though I would lunge at Dan any minute. I wasn't sure why though, I was getting over Dan, I was only doing this Alex thing because Alex seems to want to continue it, but I'm doing just fine...
You know how you say something over and over again in your head until it just doesn't sound right anymore?
Doing just fine.
Just fine.
Just fine.
Just, fine.
I looked back at Dan who smiled at me, clearly proud he sat through the pain.
Just fine.
I thought of Alex clinging onto my shirt and pulling me into him, how his lips fit well with mine and it worked.
Just fine.
I thought of Dan, pressing his lips messily onto my own, only ever intoxicated when it happened.
Just fine?
I thought of Alex.
Just, fine.
I thought of Dan.
Just fucking fine.

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