Chapter 21 ~ Alex, the plan.

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PJ's P.O.V (oooh what)

I outstretched my arms, still at the point of wondering why I'd woken so early.

7:30am. For some people that's regular, but me and Chris have a strict 'if it's not past 10 what's the point' rule.

I was nervous about what things were like in the 'phan' department this morning.

I was almost sure Dan wouldn't remember, but just incase, I remember Phil saying he was meeting someone today, a college friend or something?

So he'll be able to get out for a bit, just avoid the pain as much as possible. Blend it into normal life.

Maybe I should text him? Or Dan?

Which one do I check with? I'm thinking Phil, because if Dan doesn't remember and I ask him about it, he'll get suspicious and it could cause drama.

Definatley Phil.

I pulled my phone off the bedside table and sat up in my bed, typing out a message to Phil.

'Hey Phil, hope all's okay, after last night, what time you meeting your friend?'

I sent it and lay back down, until my door opened.

Chris walked in sleepily, rubbing his eyes, he was naked down to his waist. In only underwear.

"Hey" he yawned, running his hand through his hair.

"Want coffee?" He added.

I nodded, deciding I'd get up too.

He sighed and nodded turning round and leaving.

That's another change, Chris.

He... Isn't the same, he either doesn't sleep or sleeps all day, hasn't made a video in months, he barely talks, though, I believe he's on medication for his...depression.

I hate the word... It makes it sound too... Real... Too permanent.

So sometimes he will be awfully cheery and cuddly. But it'll last between a few hours and a few days. Before the natural awkward silence.

But I'll tell you one thing, he never stops caring, if I seem slightly down, he will be all over me, asking me to tell him. No matter what his medication does to him, he's still Chris. My Chris. The boy I fell for.

Outside they say it's sunny here, but it's depressing. Too many faces catching my attention, so I'll look at them, remind myself through the smudged glass window, pretty isn't everything, you punk ass.

Every day it starts to feel less like home and more like... Settlement?

Chris is my home.

Happiness is figurative, I'm happy because of him, it doesn't matter where I'm living.

Phil's P.O.V

I'd left the house a few minutes ago, just as expected, when I'd hauled myself out of bed, Dan didn't remember a thing. You can bet your fucking ass he flirted though. Oh god did he flirt!

Good morning my ass.

I sighed in exasperation, I just needed to get to the coffee shop. A change of scenery would be good for me, besides, I was getting excited to see Alex.
I could see the coffee shop now, just up the street, he'd be in there. I was nervous, I wonder if he was different? If he'd changed? People often think I'm too childish for a man of near enough 30.
I sighed, they've got a point though, I'm am adult. Making silly videos for teens online and with that, I have a gay crush on my best friend and roommate of 6 years.
I came to the coffee shop, I could see him, sat at the counter, reading through a comic cooly.
His blonde fringe hanging round his face and his face still and concentrated.
I opened the door, confidence Phil.
"Alex!" I called, a grin finding my face.
He turned and his face lit up, he shut his comic and hurried over.
He ran a hand through his hair, moving the hair from his face.
The whole place was pretty empty so I took a seat by the window. He sat opposite me, staring intently at me, I liked it, it was nice to be payed attention to.
"Hey, it's been way to long!" He said opening his bag and sliding the book in carefully.
"I know! Long time no see!" I giggled.
I actually last saw him around 3 months ago but when you are best friends with someone for 3-4 years, a week can seem like a while apart.
Especially with Alex, he always liked to be especially close with me. For some reason, I was his favourite.
"How's life?" He asked.
"The usu-" I cut myself off. It's anything but the usual.
"Its a rollercoaster" I sighed. "Yours?" I asked hastily.
"Mines good! A roller coaster you say? Wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the boy of yours would it?" He chuckled. He knew just how I felt about Dan.
I nodded, but realised, I didn't want to depress our catch up.
"No biggie, what are you ordering?" I asked, chewing my lip anxiously.
His eyes dropped to my lips, before he reached out and tapped them gently with a finger.
"Don't, that's a sign of nerve, you're okay right? Nothing bothering you?" He ran a hand up and down my arm comfortingly.
I felt all warm and fuzzy, I'd forgotten what it was like to be around Alex, he was so caring.
'Not much, Boy drama' I giggled.
"What did he do to you? Did he hurt you? Oh my god Phil if he-"
"No! He didn't hurt me, calm your tits! It's just..." I trailed off thinking back to the beginning.
"Go on" he intertwined our fingers and held my hands reassuringly.
So I told him, everything from the party, to the flirting, to the lying to the drinking to the confessions.
To the rejection.
Alex sat back in his seat, looking at me pityingly.
He frowned "what a fucking piece of shit! Who does he think he is? You aren't a toy Phil! Bullshit! Why do you forgive him?"
I sighed, he knew the answer.
"Sorry" he mumbled realizing he had overreacted.
I shook my head, brushing it off.
We both remained silent just staring at either the menus or the table.
"Hey Phil!" He blurted out.
I raised my head to look at him, raising an eye brow.
"I have an idea!" He said smiling happily, a full grin, showing all his teeth.
"Why don't we just date?" He laughed.
What? Did I even hear him correct?
"W-what?" I giggled.
He smiled at looked at me fully, staring into my eyes, as if he could see right into my soul, before he spoke;
"Will you be my boyfriend?"

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