Chapter 9 ~ See you around

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Phil's P.O.V

I yawned sleepily reaching out to pull Dan closer, It'd gotten cold as I'd lost contact with his warmth.

He wasn't there.

I opened my eyes immediately, I was still on the couch were me and Dan had fallen asleep, where was he? Dan never got up before me.

"Dan?" I called out groggily, adjusting my eyes to the light.

Dan then rushed into the front room, smiling widely.

"I have a surprise for you" He said his dimples showing the more he smiled.

I grinned, I loved surprises almost as much as I loved Dan.

"Can I see it now?" I asked eagerly.

He nodded, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the couch, into the kitchen.

The room was magic, fairy lights hung around, miniature christmas trees around different surfaces, he'd decorated.

"It's so beautiful and festive! I can't believe you did this!" I squealed hugging him tight.

"I bought the big tree out so we can decorate the living room now if you'd like?" He asked pulling away from my grasp, blushing with a smile across his face.

I grinned and started to jump around like a little kid.

"Yes! Please yes!" I said nodding.

Dan walked over to the coffee table and grabbed the box of baubles and decorations for the tree.

I stared at him, savouring each breath he took, every move he made, not only because I was in love with the boy, but because I knew he was leaving in a few hours to spend Christmas with his family and my family would catch the train up here.

"Phil? Ready?" He asked, standing inches away a box full decorations and a smile on his face.

I smiled back instantly and nodded.

Dan would catch the train home on new years eve, to spend it with me and my family would leave again, I'd only need to wait 6 days until I can see him again.

Dan set the box down beside the plastic tree and opened it up, I kneeled down beside him and helped him take the ornaments out from the box.

I'd relish each moment we spent together until the second he stepped onto that train.

Dan's P.O.V

Phil gazed dreamily at the now decorated tree, we'd hung classic Christmas baubles on and a few fan-made ones with pictures of us on, which were secretly my favourite.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, glancing at the time.


I'd leave in 3 hours. Leave Phil behind.

I didn't want to think of it as a goodbye.

Goodbye meant not coming back.

"See you around" I muttered, pulling Phil out of his dreamland.

"Huh?" He said turning to me.

"Don't think of this as goodbye, Phil. Its just see you around, okay?" I said looking him directly in the eyes. I felt that warmth swirl endlessly in the pit of my stomach when Phil gazed back and smiled.

Maybe a few days away from him would be best to sort myself out.

"Okay" Phil replied after a few moments that felt like hours.


After a while of singing carols and prerecording Christmas videos, it was time for me to leave.

Phil's head dropped, the smile left his pale cheeks and the shine left his blue eyes.

"See you around?" I said softly.

He looked up and smiled sadly, "see you around."

I turned to grab my suitcases and me and Phil shut the apartment door and walked down to the train station, Phil insisted he'd walk me down.

"I'll call you on Skype, every night" He said softly.

"Thanks, I'll miss you" I said as we came towards the station.

"You too, have a good Christmas! Tell your mum and brother I say hi!" He said cheerily.

We remained silent through the walk towards the platform until after a while the train pulled in.

I turned quickly to Phil in fear and dropped my suitcases, throwing my arms around him. He hugged back and instantly let out a sigh of relief.

"Merry Christmas, Philly" I whispered, letting go and picking up my bags, turning to the train and walking towards it.

"Mind your head" Phil mocked my previous train traumas.

I entered the train staring back at Phil waving, before the doors closed between us, and I couldn't go back.

~ Its 4am and I'm at my friends house half asleep so I cba to proof read sorry <3

Just a warning.

It should be okay though x

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