Chapter 8 ~ My heart flipped

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Phil's P.O.V

Dan ended up ordering pizza and renting movies for us to watch, he constantly asked me quiz questions to make sure I wasn't concussed.

"What's my last name?" He asked quickly.

"Bolton" I giggled.

"Shut up" he said rolling his eyes "this is serious"

I sighed "Dan I'm fine! Promise!" I said standing up on his bed and jumping up and down to prove a point, resulting in me banging my head on the ceiling.

"No! Ouch!" I whined falling back on the bed and clutching my head.

"Are you fucking mental?" Dan snapped, rushing over to examine my head.

I just moaned in agony.

"Your such a Dingus" he sighed.

I giggled, though he looked unamused.

His eyes soon lit up as he heard the door bell.

"Fuck yeah!" He cheered dashing out of the room.

I sat up and got off the bed, hurrying into the kitchen where Dan was making sexual noises and moans as he swallowed a bite of pizza.

"Jealous?" He asked winking.

I just laughed.

"Mm watch me deep throat this pizza! It'll be hot!" He said cramming the pizza back into his mouth.

"Wow!" I said, sarcastically, clapping.

I grabbed a piece of pizza and sat beside him.

"I hope it gave you consent to do that" I chuckled.

Dan shrugged, picking up the remote and pressing play.

I looked at him questioningly.

"Spirited away" he said smiling, we loved that film, we first saw it just after we filmed Philisnotonfire.

The film started and Dan's eyes immediately fixated on the screen contently.

I shifted uncomfortably on the seat, fiddling with my sleeves.

"Dan?" I choked, barely a whisper.

He looked across at me and raised his eye brows in response.

"I- well- its winter... and its cold and I'm cold so can I sit closer to you? As you're by the radiator" I mumbled again.

He blushed slightly "I'm so silly, of course Phil! Get your ass over here" He said reaching out an arm allowing me to cuddle into his side happily.

He turned back to the TV, I grinned cheekily. I really just wanted an excuse to be by Dan's side again, I'd missed him.

I didn't even watch most of the film, I just watched Dan cautiously and took time to notice the small things, like the sparkle in his eyes when he gets excited about the film, or how his lips form a small smile whenever I cuddled closer, it was adorable.

"Are you going to watch me or the film?" He said after a while, blushing.

"You" I said simply.

"What? Why?" He said looking back at me.

I was so ready to tell him, that I found him the most beautiful being on the earth and every little thing he did made me love him more. As the words swirled around inside me I stopped and choked them back, knowing I couldn't do it.

"I'm kidding, I'm watching the film, dork" I said softly turning back to the TV.

"I- I just thought.." He mumbled to himself.

He shook his head lightly and chuckled. "Never mind, how's your head?"

"Oh a bit sore but this warmth is making me feel calmer, plus you smell nice" I giggled.

"Oh yeah? What do I smell of?" He said smiling happily and turning to me.

I breathed in and out a few times.

"Warmth. Even though its not possible, you do, like baking and cinnamon and sweet things" I grinned.

"You're an idiot" he chuckled.

"You do!" I insisted.

"You smell like fruits and strawberries, always, its really nice, I don't know" he babbled.

I smiled, that was fine for me, just the fact that he thought about it.

"Okay" I said.

"Okay hazel" he laughed.

I poked his side playfully as he squirmed, I found a comfy position against his side again and closed my eyes wearily.

A few minutes went by and I felt myself drifting further into sleep before I felt Dan kiss my cheek softly and whisper 'goodnight' to me.

I smiled wide and whispered back.

"Night bear"

It was an old nickname I gave him when we first moved in together as he was lazy and cuddly and warm, like my own bear.

"Night lion" he whispered back, purely because he believed I was braver than I'd claimed to be.

I felt my heart flip in my chest as I fell asleep with my chest rising and falling in the same pattern his did and I knew I was hopelessly in love with that boy and what he did to me.

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