Chapter 41 ~ Train Station

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This is a really quick short filler for just before Dan gets 'home'. Thanks Lovelies!
Question - Where are y'all from??

Dan's P.O.V
He smelt nice, like apples or pears. He was warmer than usual, and I don't think I'd ever hugged him for this long.
People were surely staring now, but we didn't care.
It felt strange to be back, at the train station, I mean sure, me and Phil had got the train plenty since 2009, but this was different. This was goodbye.
"Are you sure you've gotten everything?" Phil mumbled finally pulling away slower than ever.
"I'm sure, I'm coming back for the rest anyways".
Phil chewed his bottom lip and nodded. My train would arrive in 2 minutes.
"Dan?" Phil let out nervously.
I looked up at him and urged him to go on.
"Are we doing the right thing... This was so sudden".
I thought, No. I want to stay with you.
"This was coming sooner or later Phil, we'll figure it out, with YouTube and stuff I mean".
He blushed and nodded.
"Have a good time down there".
Yeah right.
"I'll try, thanks" I said softly.
Calling forward for train 12, 8:15am.
Please remain behind the yellow line until the carriage doors open.
"Shit" I sighed.
"Well, this is it then" Phil said, his hands visibly shaking.
"Goodbye Phil" I said, ruffling his hair playfully.
He smiled and handed me my suitcase.
"Bye-Bye Dan".
The train screeched to a halt behind me and I gave Phil an apologetic look.
"Don't forget me?" He asked hastily.
"I could never forget you Phil".
He smiled at this and waved, I turned my back to him and walked towards the train.
"Hey Dan!" I heard behind me and I turned to him.
"Watch your head! Dummy!" He yelled, a huge grin across his face.
I laughed heartily and was ushered inside the carriage, as soon as I was inside I panicked and dashed to the window.
Phil was waving, smiling just like he did when I pulled up in Manchester. Just like he always does.
I waved and waved until my hand ached and the train started to make it's familiar starting sounds.
Phil's smile dropped and he stood completely still for a few moments, looking completely awestruck before the train started to move and he got further and further away. Just standing there watching me leave.
My heart finally gave in and broke into millions pieces, puncturing my other crucial organs inside. I would sleep away from Phil tonight, that thought hurt me more than anything else.

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