Chapter 45 ~ Oh how the tables have turned

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He was just standing there.
In the rain, looking at me with those eyes... and I've never before felt so completely powerless against a person. I just wanted to kiss him, why was he here? I didn't say a word, I just stared back at him.
Dan's P.O.V
2 days until we were supposed to go to Japan and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feeling miserable. It suddenly hit me not long ago that I hadn't unpacked my things, just a few essentials.
I'd do it later... Not now.
Everyone had gone out to visit my grandma and I stayed here, they didn't want to make me do anything, and I felt like today... I just really couldn't do anything.
I lay back on the couch on my phone, nothing was interesting, so I flicked through 'holiday photos of Japan' that people had posted onto Google.
I felt jealous, a lot of them were romantic.
I sighed and decided to keep everyone updated, so I texted Chris and PJ, telling them;
'Hey guys, I'm doing okay at my parents, just kinda bored, I hope we can hang out soon?'
I sent it and felt the boredom soak into me. I groaned out loud into the empty room.
About 20 minutes ago I'd ordered a pizza, it should be here soon, though it's raining so it might be slightly late.
My phone buzzed.
PJ- Sounds great! Call round any time, all's good with me and Chris!
I grinned to myself, PJ told me earlier this morning about their kiss at our party, and he later broke up with his girlfriend, and Chris moved back in.
I was so happy for them, I knew this is what they'd both wanted for a while.
The doorbell rang and I jumped to my feet excitedly, pizza was here.
I grabbed the money off the kitchen counter and rushed to the front door, opening to the familiar red uniform, holding out my box of pizza.
"12:50" he said, quite clearly frustrated by the wind and rain, I handed him the money and took the box, he looked up and water dropped down his cheeks and off his nose.
"Have a nice day" He said hurriedly turning back and running to his car.
I wonder how many deliveries he had to do today? I felt kinda bad, it must be a shitty job.
I closed the door and laid the pizza on the table, opening it up and smiling happily at the warm smell.
I loved days in like this, usually me and Phil would watch TV and catch up on episodes of American Horror Story we'd missed.
The doorbell rang again and I sighed. What now?
I walked sulkily to the door and swung it open-
I thought I'd lost it, because this wasn't happening right? But...It was him... He was just standing there.
In the rain, looking at me with those eyes... and I've never before felt so completely powerless against a person. I just wanted to kiss him, why was he here? I didn't say a word, I just stared back at him.
"Dan" He breathed out like he'd ran the whole way here, wiping the rain off his face.
I stood there, probably looking quite stupid, my mouth hung open and words, unable to come out.
"Please Dan, say something!" He whined.
I shook my head, realizing I had to say something.
"How... When? Um" I stuttered shakily. "Why are you here?"
I didn't mean to sound rude, but what was happening? And I could of sworn my pizza would be going cold on the side.
"Dan... Not to be rude but I'm getting really cold... Can I come in?"
I stepped aside from the doorway and nodded.
He shook off quickly, freeing from any loose water and walked past me into the kitchen.
I closed the door and stared down at my feet anxiously, what did he want? Has something happened?
I turned to him and smiled, I felt unsure, but wanted to dodge his intended topic of discussion.
"Tea?" I asked, flicking on the kettle.
He was soaked right through his shirt and trousers, he must be uncomfortable.
"No, thanks" He said combing through his hair with his fingers.
"Um.. Phil? You can go get dressed. Borrow a shirt, some jeans, whatever you need, I'll wait out here for you".
He smiled thankfully. "Thanks Dan, you're a lifesaver!"
He turned down the hall and up the stairs to my bedroom.
"Oh... They'll be in boxes!" I yelled up.
I heard my door creak open and then close again.
Phil Lester, is in my childhood bedroom.
Now, you may think, Dan... you lived with him for years.
But that room... I sat in there for years dreaming of meeting him and now he's in there, my stomach churned uneasily and I bit my lip.
Why was he here?

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