Chapter 48 ~ Plane

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"Have you ever gotten hate?"
Dan's P.O.V
"Phil, relax you look fine". I said petting his hair slightly as he fussed.
"It looks so greasy ugh! Running through London does things to my hair Dan, not everyone's perfect like yours" He chuckled.
"No one on the plane will notice!"
"I hope not!" He hissed, looking extremely flustered "Stupid windy London" he added.
We shuffled through the line to the plane, ready to board, I was shaking with excitement, it's been the best few days, Phil slept over last night and we watched movies for most of the night.
My mum was completely fine with our sudden decision to move in together again and go to Japan, as long as we were happy. She made us pancakes this morning and Phil was over the moon, as per usual when pancakes are involved.
My dad had chosen to stay out of it, which I was completely okay with and I'm sure Phil was too.
We were shoved through the plane doors and Phil practically ran to our seats. Could he be more childish?
"Dan! Here here!" He yelled happily waving me over.
People were staring at me waiting for me to go over, he'd drawn that much attention to us. I blushed and hurried over to him.
"Phil, don't be so... Phil" I hissed.
He just giggled and muttered something along the lines of a half-hearted apology before jumping into the seat by the window.
I smiled, taking my seat by him, it'd be a while before take off, and Phil had promised me he'd get some sleep on the flight, we have a party with Duncan and Mimei tomorrow, which I'm nervous for, considering I don't speak any Japanese.
Duncan and Mimei were our Japan guides, and some friends we'd had for a while. They're were lovely enough to offer to give us a personal tour of Japan.
"Dan, are you happy?" Phil asked, sounding suddenly serious, uncomfortably close to my face.
"Yeah..." I whispered, staring straight into his eyes.
He smiled cheerily, "Good!" He said happily and looked back to the window.
My heart pounded in my chest and I exhaled slowly, if he tries something like that again, I swear I'll kiss him.
"I think we'll take off soon!" He said fidgeting in his excitedly.
"Careful, you get sick when you're over excited" I warned.
"I'm too excited to calm down!"
"Sleep then!"
"I'm too ecstatic to sleep!" He cried.
"Phil pipe down people are looking".
"I don't care, Dan" he giggled.
I rolled my eyes, this happens every time we go anywhere.
"You're so grumpy" he laughed.
"I didn't sleep well! Someone was snoring!"
"It was the best I'd slept in ages - even if it was on your bedroom floor". He chuckled.
"Don't say it like that! It makes me sound awful, you had a blow up bed and pillows and stuff!" I said quietly.
"I know, thank you" he said hugging me quickly.
I felt my cheeks redden, was this going to happen every time he touched me? I hoped not.
"I'm excited to see Duncan and Mimei" he said, smiling, gazing out of the window, you could practically see the Japan image in his head.
The engine of the plane suddenly roared and somehow, Phil's hand found mine and he squeezed it tightly in excitement. It didn't hurt, he couldn't hurt a fly.
His touch was soft and made my whole body feel electric.
"Am I hurting you?" He whispered.
My throat felt tight so I shook my head in response.

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