chapter 42 + tag

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I will do this for you Jay and for Louis.

Louis' pov

I look from the boys to Ron with question eyes she just shrugs like it's no big deal.

"Okay but like why can't anyone die on this fucking ship." Zayn mumbles out making me chuckle "We are a magical crew" I say as a jokingly, everyone laughs except for Ron who just looks to be in deep thoughts.

"Let's head back to the ship yeah and maybe next time let's stay away from magical islands it never ends up well" Ron says out of nowhere with a smirk on her face.

I giggle "It's not like anyone died kind of..." Ron rolls her eyes but let's out a soft laugh "Common Captain asshat and brothers we have a ship to get back to." With that Ron starts walking off with Zayn by her side and the boys and I follow them. I look back to wave at the girl that helped us but don't see her anymore.... weird.

We got back to the ship and I'm still confused on what happened.

My loves are talking about the next moves and it's very boring so I decided to go find Ron and get some answers.

I walk around the ship to find her on the deck leaning against the railing staring at the water, I make my way over to her and stand down next to her.

"So what actually happened?" Ron looks at me for a second before looking back at the water and huffing.

"It's so weird Louis, I'm not sure what to believe anymore." I put my hand on her back and rub it softly "Just tell me. I'm sure it will help." Ron nods slowly and sits down on the ground with her back against the railing and mentions for me to sit down as well because I will need it according to her.

"I will just start at the start I guess... So uhm I woke up on some weird beach and a woman was standing there. She waved me over to her and the closer I got to her the safer I felt. She sat me down to explain what was happening and she uhmtoldmethatshewasyourmom"

I raise my eyebrows not getting the last part "She said what?"

Ron huffs softly "That woman was your mom Lou."

"My mom she's alive?!" Ron shakes her head.

"No love your mom is sadly not alive anymore, she died to protect you."

"What do you mean?" I ask feeling very confused.

"Your granddad is very powerful Louis very very powerful and he knew what would happen as you grew older. He gave your mom the choice to help you and die or to survive but be unable to help you. Your mom choose to die for you out of pure love for you."

My eyes water at the thought of my mom dying for me "Why would she do that."

"Because she loved you Lou. She wanted you to live a good life. Your granddad put an angel on earth to look after you."

My eyes widen "He what? How? Who?"

Ron holds her hand out for me to shake making me tilt my head on confusion but I take her hand in mine "Hi I'm the angel that was made to look after you." She says while shaking my hand.

"What seriously not to be rude but your not really angel like?"

Ron chuckles "I know right it doesn't make sense but we roll with it."

"So who is my granddad?" I ask, Ron shrugs "some kind of weird sea god" Right after she said that a large wave hits the ship making us both chuckle.

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