chapter 48

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TW: Gore, blood and death

"W-we are heading to bermuda triangle and uhm all ships that went there have never returned except for one survivor per ship and I-I just sent us that way..."

"So we are..."


Louis' pov

Suddenly the sun disappears and the sky is back, I can see Edward's lips moving but I'm not able to hear him over the loud thunder sounds. 

I have to hold on to the railing in order to nod fall over, I notice the absolute horror in Edward's and Marcel's eyes "It's happening!" Edward yells out and right at that moment a large wave hits the ship which almost makes me fall over. 

"I saw something moving!" Harry yells while running over to us with wide scared eyes "What did you see then?!" Marcel yells at him to overpower the loud rumbling sound in the sky or water I don't even know it anymore at this point. 

"It seemed like a giant squid arm!" I look at Harry with wide eyes "The kraken..." 

Edward looks like he's about to say something but a massive squid arm comes out of the water and smacks back down only inches away from the ship and I can't help but gulp. 

I grab my sword and making my way to the very front of the ship knowing very well that this might be our only chance, a hand on my shoulder pulls me back making me stare right into Edward's eyes "What the hell are you doing? You can't fight that thing!" 

I roll my eyes "I don't wanna go down without a fucking fight Edward! We might die but if we don't do anything we will definitely die!" Edward nods slowly "You're right. Let's fucking do this!" I give Marcel and Harry a look who both give me a nod "Don't die on me yeah?" They both nod again making me give them a small smile "Good let's fight this fucker!" 

Right at that moment the squid arm is back but this time it's not just one arm no it are multiple arms that wrap themselves around our ship Edward growls "Not my fucking ship!" He charges at one of the arms and cuts a piece clean off but to my surprise the arm doesn't pull back no the owner over the arm only squeezes the ship tighter. 

I watch as Harry and Marcel fight with another arm, so do Ron, Niall, Liam and Zayn but nothing happens, they cut pieces off but it only takes a few minutes for it to grow back. 

I run up to Harry and Marcel "This isn't working! We need to do something else!" 

"But what! This thing doesn't seem to be able to die! Nothing hurts him" Marcel says looking very panicked, Harry's eyes widen and he gasps "I might have a plan..."

"what's the plan?" Marcel asks Harry "I shouldn't tell you but we need to make sure that the head will come up and that he opens his beak." I give Harry a sceptic look but nod anyway. 

"Uhm I think that the first part of the plan won't be difficult." I say slowly while pointing at the thing that comes out of the water behind Harry. 

I was so stunned about the head of the squid that I didn't see another arm slamming down on the deck making the ship crack slightly and if it wasn't for Edward pushing me away I would have made the same cracking sound. 

"I-is Edward ok?" I ask Marcel who looks at Edward who is laying motionless on the floor but Marcel didn't have time to respond as the same arm that hit Edward now also hits him and makes Marcel fly right into the railing with a loud bang. 

I look at Harry who looks scared "We have to do what ever your plan is right now Harry!" 

Harry nods "Ok I will keep him busy but can you run to the weapon room there sound be a bow with arrows there! Can you shoot those from the crows nest?" 

I nod and run off the do as Harry asks while jumping over dead and bloody bodies, I don't even dare to look who's bodies it are. 

I finally made it to the weapon room and notice the bow quickly, I grab it along with the arrows and sprint back onto the deck again. 

I climb into the crows nest as quickly as I can and look around to see Harry standing close to the railing with a rope and sword in his hand, He gives me a nod telling me to start with firing arrows at the squid. 

I load the arrow and fire at the squid trying to hit his eye, the squid trashes around and swings his arms even more and then also squeezes the ship even tighter making a piece of the ship break off. 

I fire another arrow this time finally hitting it in the eye which makes it move forwards with open beak towards the ship and right at this moment I see Harry swinging right at the squid into his open beak. 

I watch with wide eyes at what happened. The squid trashes around like a crazy arms flying all over, one hits the crows nest making the pole break and fall to the ground and the last thing I hear is a loud bang and then everything is black. 

I open my eyes slowly, the sky is blue and the sun is burning on my skin. 

I look around feeling absolutely devastated, most of the ship is ruined due to what happened. Dead bodies are laying all over the ship.

Silence is all that's hurt everyone feels the same, we lost so much.

A tear rolls down my cheek. I don't understand how this could happen, yes mermaids are real but this was nothing like this. This seemed to be the work of the devil.

No one could expect this, we weren't ready.

I look down at my hands that are still covered in blood some mine some not.



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