𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔: 𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐞?

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Carmen Yates

"What exactly are we supposed to do when we get there?" The guy walking beside him almost tripped over another crack in the concrete. They were walking along an abandoned subway. The walls echoed drips of water leaks and the smell of sewage filled the tunnel.

"Have you not been listening to Walter?" Carmen's voice was in an irritated low growl. "We just have to show up, get the info and move on out."

The guy beside him kept walking, a nervous face was printed all over him. "How are we supposed to get the info?"

"Oh, for the love of God!" Carmen shouted, "we're just supposed to talk to people, I don't know!"

His voice boomed to the ends of the tunnel and sent back sound waves that made Blake seem to shake. It annoyed Carmen, yet at the same time amused him as well. They saw the light peeking from the end they were walking towards and Carmen picked up the pace, noticing how Blake was quick to follow behind. 

Walter trusts me in order to complete this job. As soon as I get this done, I get to go home. As soon as I get this done...

The few words of Warner's promise to Carmen kept repeating over and over again. It haunted Carmen's thoughts hour by hour. 

If I don't get this done, I'm never leaving. He looked over at Blake who was now sweating as they climbed out of the subway and headed towards a street where the church was located.

I'm not going to let this fool ruin my chances of final freedom.

"This way, East Avenue Street. Christ Church is just up ahead," he said, and Blake followed.

Matthew Perry-Benson

"Charlie are you sure this is right? Service at the church is about to start in ten minutes," Vanessa took short steps back and forth across the van floor. The two technicians were looking over codes and data to see what was going on with the system. 

"V, we're trying to do all that we can. At one point it said the trackers were in Rochester, now they're in... Florida?" Giselle looked at her monitor closely. A blinking red light flashed on the Florida state.

"Something's not right," Charlie shook his head, "it's not making any sense! It's either they know how to be in three different places at once or something's wrong with the satellite."

"I've checked the coding, you're right, Hunt. Looks like somehow we've gotten hacked," Giselle started typing rapidly on her keyboard.

Matthew just stood and observed. Everyone was a little shaken up. It seemed like none of them were well-rested and the coffee didn't help.

"So what now? Abort mission?" Vanessa questioned out loud.

Charlie sighed. "I've sent requests to the rest of the team back at the CCPA telling them to have a look at it. We've got to get this fixed soon."

"I've already contacted Bourne to see if he can look into it. I think the best thing you guys can do is still go to the service and see if you can spot anyone or anything. This could all just be a plan to get us to move in a different direction while they're still in this area."

Vanessa nodded her head. "You're right, Gi. We might as well go."

"And if anything, make sure you pray more than ever about this mission," Charlie said.

Vanessa looked at Matthew. "You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," he sighed. In all honestly, he wasn't ready at all. He felt nervous, although it might have just been the coffee talking.

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