𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟔: 𝐆𝐨𝐝 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐞𝐢𝐫𝐝

105 20 39

Vanessa Vaughen

One Week Later...

Vanessa paced alone in her office. She dried the tears from her cheeks but they kept slipping. Her emotions were out of control ever since they all returned back home.

Too much happened in a short amount of time. Vanessa's mind was having a hard time catching up. Even though she knew where they were, Vanessa still couldn't keep her mind off of Charlie and Giselle.

The look on their faces, the pain they were facing, the blood that was dripping. Vanessa could remember it all. It was like a huge realistic nightmare that just kept haunting her ever since.

A knock on the door startled her. She turned as Darla came inside.

"Agent Vaughen, are you ready?"

Vanessa inhaled a deep breath and seemed to hold it.

Darla sensed her hesitancy and paused at the doorway. "You know we don't have to do this today, right?"

Vanessa's face didn't change but she pressed her lips together, unsure of what to say.

"You can take a day off every now and then, y'know," Darla spoke more as a friend instead of an assistant.

Vanessa shook her head, feeling as if she might cry again. "There's still things I have to do."

Darla nodded. "Start slow. Take it one thing at a time. Things are going to work out."

Her words were hopeful, and made Vanessa feel slightly better. Instead of giving into the awful thoughts, she had to continue.

"Your car is ready whenever you need it," Darla smiled and made her exit.

I love my job, I love my job, she kept repeating in her head.

Vanessa tried walking with purpose as she strode through the hallways of the Agency and made it past the office. She got down to the first floor where the car Darla had arranged for her was standing by the curb.

Her heart seemed to ache every time she realize she would never have the privilege of seeing Kaufman wait for her. Instead, it was always a new driver. They couldn't seem to place a permineant one.

Vanessa's heart raced. "Uh, excuse me," she spoke to the driver in the front, "do you think we could make a quick little stop before we make our errands?"

The driver nodded and Vanessa told him the address. Suddenly, she felt much better when he turned around and went the other way. 

When they reached the familiar neighbourhood, Vanessa felt like crying happy tears.

"Here we are, miss," the driver spoke, "1578 Amyway Street."

Vanessa thanked him and told him it should only be a few minutes. Of course she was never able to tell whether these types of visits would actually be short.

She walked up the small driveway and onto the little brick path that led to the small apartment Vanessa grew up to know.

Please be home. She knocked on the door several times. A feeling of anticipation washed through her as she could hear the footsteps thump through the floorboards inside.

The door unlocked and swung open. A woman who resembled an older and shorter Vanessa practically squealed.

"Vanessa! You're home!" The woman was quick to wrap her arms around her daughter.

Vanessa returned the embrace, feeling the tears start to rise she squeezed the woman tight. 

"Hi mama."

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