𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟕: 𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬

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"I'm sure you'll find it most comfortable here, I'm sorry Mr. Bourne wasn't able to set up that meeting just yet, we've been quite busy here."

Darla unlocked the room with the key and opened the door, allowing the boy to walk in.

Blake looked at her, only gratitude filling his eyes. "No worries, I'm just glad for the safety and hospitality."

Twinges of guilt from his words made Darla want to run out of there, but she just stood and smiled.

Blake looked around and placed his duffle bag on the ground. The hotel-like room was clean and nice, perfect for lounging.

"We usually keep these rooms available in case of someone like you needs to be kept here in reach of our agents. I'm sorry this isn't exactly what I explained on the phone."

Blake chuckled, still walking around the furnished room, checking out the suite. "You've really got to stop apologizing, I know I'm in good hands now. Much rather be safe than sorry."

His last sentence wanted to make Darla cringe. She had promised a lot, but would she ever fulfill those promises was the question. As the days went by, work got a lot more difficult. Especially since she was doing this part by herself. 

Darla pressed another sympathetic smile as she watched him plop himself on a couch. "Don't worry, you'll be home soon."

Yet another promise, another thing she had to make sure happened. If anything was to happen that put her promise in jeopardy it had to be dealt with.

Blake gave her a smile back and stepped through the room, making his way to the T.V.

"Anything else I can assist you with?" Darla asked.

He shook his head. "No, I'm perfectly fine."

"Alright, if that's all then I'll be heading back to the office," Darla spun on her heel and reached for the door.

"What about my friends?" 

Darla turned to face him, her hand on the knob. "What about your friends?"

"When are they getting here?" Blake asked.

Darla inhaled a sharp, hesitant breath. "I'm not quite sure," she said honestly.

Blake continued to look around, his facial expression dropping as Darla could tell disappointment crossed him. "Just let me know when you reach them."

Darla exhaled. "Of course. I'll check up on you in a bit, I have to get back to the office, I'm sure they need me." 

At that, she turned before another question she couldn't have answers to was asked.


Micheal Bourne

Bourne slid out of Vanessa's office quickly, his heart pounding in his head. He didn't dare to make eye contact with anyone as he swiftly made it down the hall and into his office.

As he reached for the knob, he quickly made it in his safe zone and shut the door behind him, locking it, this time. 

"Was it that bad?" Darla's voice startled him from behind. He didn't know she was in here.

Bourne didn't know what to reply with. He felt as if he tried to speak a word, his true emotion would betray him. He had to put up 'the wall'.

With his back still towards her and his hand on the lock, he tried clearing his throat. Again, no words could come out.

The few clicks on the floor meant she was coming closer. Bourne's muscles went stiff. Should he try to escape her?

"Micheal," she whispered, "talk to me."

He wasn't used to being called by his first name, and definitely wouldn't allow it from any of his workers, no matter who they were.

But it was different this time. He didn't want to talk to his employees, he wanted to talk to a friend.

The tears filled his eyes but he tried blinking them rapidly away. He turned slowly, not able to lift his head to face her.

With all of the control he had, he was able to whisper two words back.
"They know."

At first, Darla seemed confused, then as he let the words sink in and the seconds ticked by, the realization was expressed.

Bourne made it over to the little couch by the window where he sat, starting to contemplate everything.

The killing on October 14... the phone call... the kidnapping of his agents...

Walter Warner. The man Micheal had been trying to capture for over twenty years. The man Vanessa had been trying to capture her whole career. His uncle. His father's own brother. 

This whole time Bourne had made the mistake of thinking Warner was after the CCPA, that he was directing his monstrosities towards Christians because they're... well, Christians. But he was wrong- everything that the man Walter Warner was doing was directed towards Bourne.

This whole time.

Darla took slow steps until she stood in front of him, her arms at her side awaiting instructions. He didn't look up, but stared at her feet, his thoughts continuing to spin. He had trusted her with his whole life, unafraid to tell her anything, and there she stood as if expecting a regular command like "get me some coffee" or "file these documents."

It scared Bourne, sometimes, how one person could be able to soak up enough information to destroy the world and yet come in looking so... professional about it. Completely innocent.

If anybody knew anything, it was always Darla. She knew the in and outs, the secrets, the missions, the problems and the solutions. She knew Bourne, almost everything about him. It was like a core memory stuck in her brain. Her whole career had been devoted to knowing a complete stranger with a messy background and a dangerous occupation. And she just knew. Everything.

The only thing she couldn't possibly know was what he knew about her.

"What are you going to do now, Bourne?" she said gently, not moving.

He looked over to the side, sitting up straight as his hand glided to stretch out his face, when his eyes returned and finally met hers, his chest swelled. She already knew what he was going to do about it.

"I'm going to end this if it's the last thing I do."


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