Request - Harry - Chest Pain

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Hey guys, this was a request from AimeeHoran1993.  Hope you guys like it.  Also, Im not sure if you guys saw or not, but at last nights concert in Perth, Zayn left the satge during Girl Almighty and never returned.  Niall apparently told the crowd the Zayn was too sick to continue.  He is such a trooper for coming on stage for 17 songs while feeling sick.  We all hope he gets better before Japan! 

“Haz, wake up, we have to be at rehearsals soon” Liam said while gently shaking him.

“Mmm, I’m up” Harry mumbled back.

Harry sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.  He stood up and put on a shirt, while lifting his arms he felt a stabbing pain in his chest, he never thought much of it and went out to join the rest of the boys in having breakfast.

“Morning” all the boys said as Harry walked in.

“Morning guys” Harry replied.

“Can’t believe were finally in Melbourne” Louis said happily.

“I was here two weeks ago, I love this place” Niall added.

“You ok Haz?  You’re not eating much and we have a long day ahead of us” Liam said.

“I’m ok, just not that hungry” Harry replied. 

Liam shrugged his shoulders and carried on with breakfast.  Half an hour later Paul arrived to take them to the stadium. 

“You ok Haz?  You look a bit peaky.” Paul questioned.

“Fine” was Harry’s reply.

“Are you missing (Y/N)?” Niall asked.

Harry nodded, and Niall’s smile widened. 

“Is there a reason why you look happy because I miss my girlfriend?” Harry asked, feeling the pain in chest again.

“Nope” Niall said bluntly while walking away giggling. 

Once they arrived at the stadium, the boys walked on stage and Harry was in shock when he saw you standing in the middle of the stage. 

“Surprise!!” you yelled, as you ran up to him and gave him a hug and kiss. 

“(Y/N)!  What are you doing here?” Harry asked ecstatically.

“The boys insisted I flew over here” you replied.

“I’m so happy you’re here” Harry said while giving you another hug.

“Me too” you said back.

“You ok..... you don’t look so good” you ask worriedly.

“Better now that you’re here” he says with a cheeky smile.

“Is he ok?” you ask Liam once Harry walked away.

“Don’t know, he wasn’t himself this morning” Liam replied. 

“I’ll just watch him extra carefully today” you reply with a smile. 

The boys took their positions on stage, as the music for Steal My Girl began to play.  Zayn began to sing his bit, and then Niall sang his part, they were half way through the chorus when someone yelled “STOP!”  The music cut off.

“What’s going on?” Louis asked confused.

“Harry, why aren’t you singing?” the producer asked.

“I..... I.. uh... um.. I” Harry began stammering.

You ran up to the stage and put your arm around Harry.  He was sweating so much, but shivering at the same time. 

“Harry, you have a fever, please just tell us what’s wrong?” you said, getting upset at how childish he was acting. 

“I had some chest pains this morning ok!” Harry yelled while walking off stage.

Paul had a word with management, and they let Harry said out of rehearsals.  He just wanted to be left alone.  He didn’t even want you to be with him.  It broke your heart not being able to comfort Harry, especially because you could hear him crying from his bunks. 

An hour later you poked your head in to check on Harry, he was sound asleep.  You smiled as you threw a light blanket over him.  You sent a text to the boys, asking them to please be quiet when they got back on the bus because Harry was asleep. 

Soon it was time for the concert.  Harry was doing great actually.  Everyone guessed he must be feeling better. 

The concert was almost done, there were only a few songs left when Harry couldn’t handle the pain anymore.  He pressed hard against his chest to make the pain go away, but it didn’t help.  The pain was too intense.  He dropped to his knees and let the tears flow freely. 

“Harry!” Zayn yelled.

“Chest” Harry choked out.

Liam picked him up and carried him backstage, where you were standing by with an inhaler.  After a few puffs, Harry felt his chest loosen a bit.  You gave him some meds to reduce his fever, and tucked him into bed.

“(Y/N), where are you going?” Harry asked quietly.

“I thought you wanted to be alone” you said confused.

“I do...... alone with you” he said while he patted the spot next to him.

“I’ve missed your cuddles” he said as you hopped in.

“I’ve missed all of you” you said while giving him a kiss. 

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