I just wanted a day off (Niall)

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Hey guys, its been ages since my last update and I do apologise.  I hope to be updating again soon!!!



Interviews, meet and greets, signings, concerts...... that has been the last month for One Direction. They hadn't had a single day off for a month and it was starting to take its toll on everyone. The lack of sleep coupled with the stress of always having to look their best was becoming too much and the boys started snapping at each other over stupid things. They needed a break.

Niall POV

We've been going at it for a whole month already, tempers are starting to flare and everyone is reaching their limit. We need a break, even if it's only a few days, we just have to rest.

It was 2am and we had just gotten back to the bus after another full day of interviews.

"I'm not even going to sit down, I'm going straight to bed.... night lads" Harry spoke as he made his way to the back of the bus.

"Yeah, I'm following you Haz, I'm beat" Liam said, following Harry.

"Me too..... you going to sleep Nialler?" Louis asked me.

"Yeah, just going to grab some water" I replied.

Louis nodded his head and went to where the beds are.

I grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and sat by the small table, sighing at how good it felt to just relax for a moment. I drank about half of the water before taking it with me and going to the back of the bus.

I got changed, said goodnight to everyone and climbed into the crammed space. I tossed and turned for a while before finally falling asleep. I woke up two hours later, I groaned as I checked the time, wondering why I was awake after such a short sleep when I was already so tired. Then a brilliant idea came to mind, if I were to be unwell I could hopefully land us all a day off. I had my plan set; now I just had to wait to execute it.

I woke up to hearing Liam's alarm going off. I knew that I had about ten minutes before he would come and wake us all up. I grabbed my phone and I watched some home videos that my family sent me, knowing that they make me cry. Once I was crying, I put my phone away and turned to have my back to the curtain of the bunk and I waited for Liam.

Moments later Liam came back to the bunks and pulled my curtain open first. I was crying and I had wrapped my arms around my middle protectively.

"Ni... are you ok? What's going on?" Liam questioned.

"M-my st-tomach" I choked out between sobs.

"Oh mate, when did it start hurting?" Liam asked, leaning in to check for a fever.

"A few hours ago, but it's gotten worse" I answered.

"Hmm, you do feel a bit warm. Anything else hurt?" Liam asked.

"My head is throbbing" I replied, rubbing my eyes.

"Ok, wait here, I'll get the others up and then see what I can do" Liam smiled, leaving me to sleep.

Liam POV

I was worried about Niall; I had rarely seen him cry throughout the time I've known him. He must be hurting pretty badly.

I went to get the others up and I informed them of Niall's condition. I also rang Paul and told him what was going on, and he said he would be over soon to assess Niall.

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