Zayn Injured

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Hey guys, sorry about how short/bad this one is.  I did it quickly while avoiding what I should be doing haha!!  xxx

It was the boys third last concert of the WWA tour so they were going hard at it.  Niall was jumping high, Louis was dancing, Harry was thrusting and spitting water, Liam was dancing and Zayn dancing and trying some new tricks.  After Little Things, the lads decided to give it their all for Midnight Memories.  During the song, Zayn stood up on a prop and as he went to do a back flip off it he slipped and fell backward hitting his head hard on the stage.  He lay there for a moment while trying regain his bearings.

“Zayn, you ok?” Liam yelled rushing over to him.

Liam knelt down beside Zayn and was so glad when he saw Zayn’s eyes opening.  Liam and Harry helped Zayn up and made sure he was ok.  Zayn was in a bit of pain but he thought he would be fine, there was only another three songs and then they were done.  Zayn sat during Story of My Life, by the end of the song Zayn had developed a headache and his vision began to blur.  He just shook it off and waited for his part in Moments.  He tried standing up during his solo.  As he stood up Niall’s hand pushed him back down and Niall just shook his head at him.

The boys thanked their fans for coming out to see them as the interlude for Best Song Ever began.  While no one was watching Zayn stood up and decided to join the boys standing in a row.  Zayn stood up and took a couple of steps before collapsing to the ground.  The fans screamed and pointed.  The others turned around and rushed over Zayn.

“Zayn, whats happening?” Harry asked.

“My head hurts like hell, I can’t see properly” Zayn replied.

“Shit, we need help” Niall said not caring that what he had just said echoed through the stadium.

Paul rushed onto stage and helped Zayn up to get backstage.  Paul and Harry got Zayn up.

“How you feeling?” Paul asked.

“Really dizzy” Zayn replied while closing his eyes tightly.

Paul and Harry took Zayn backstage to the medics where they noticed that he was bleeding.  The rest of the lads finished off the concert, thanked the fans again and then left to check on Zayn.  By the time they were done Zayn was in the car with Paul about to leave for the hospital.  The others joined them in the car. 

“How you doing there Zayn?” Louis asked.

“Im so tired” Zayn replied softly while closing his eyes.

“Zayn.....Zayn I need you to stay awake for me mate” Liam said while shaking Zayns shoulder.

“Im awake” Zayn replied barely audible.

Zayn began groaning and moving around.

“Everything ok back there?” Paul asked while not worrying about speed limits.

“I feel sick” Zayn said while bringing his hand to his mouth.

Niall looked around in the car for anything and found a bag in one of the pockets and handed it to Liam who held it for Zayn.  Zayn sat up a bit more and breathed heavily over the bag a couple of times before throwing up everything he had eaten that day.

“S-sorry” Zayn said while laying back down.

“It’s alright mate, let’s just get you better hey” Liam replied.

Once they arrived at the hospital, Zayn was seen straight away. 

“Is he going to be ok?” Harry asked the nurse.

“He has a concussion and he needed twelve stitches, he has to take it easy for a couple of days and stay hydrated” she replied.

Paul rang management and told them to push the next two concerts to next week because Zayn needs his rest.  Within a couple of hours Zayn was cleared to leave.  Once they got back to the bus Zayn complained of a headache, Liam gave him some meds and he fell asleep.  The next morning Zayn was ordered to stay in bed, so the boys ran around and made sure he was comfy and had everything he needed. 

The following week they finished up their tour without any incidents! 

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