Request - Harry sick from changing a diaper

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Hey guys, sorry its been so long, life has been crazy!!!  I will be opening up requests again soon (probably about 2 weeks).  I've never done a story like this before so I do apologise if it's bad.

Harry POV

Today is the first day (Y/N) has left me alone with our new baby. I'm nervous because it'll just be me and the baby for the next few hours and (Y/N) normally handles things like the diaper and the baths and I sing our baby to sleep and keep her entertained.

"Bye honey, I'll be home in three hours, please don't burn the house down or forget you have a baby" (Y/N) says while walking out the door.

"Ha, you're so funny" I laugh back, poking my tongue out at her.

I hear the door close and turn my attention to my beautiful daughter.

"Hey sweetie, looks like it's just us" I say to her making her giggle.

I played with her for an hour before she started to cry. I picked her up and rocked her, unsure of what to do next. I went into the kitchen and got her a bottle, which she eagerly took. I gave myself a pat on the back for knowing what she wanted. After she finished her bottle, I put the TV on a children's show for some background noise while we played some more.

(Y/N) was going to be home soon, and so far everything was going smoothly. A few minutes later, a foul smell starts coming from the area where my daughter is laying. I know exactly what she's done, something I was hoping to avoid until (Y/N) got back.

I pick up my baby and take her to her room and lay her on the change table. I take a deep breath, feeling oddly scared, I hope I remember everything I've been taught. I peel off the sticky tabs in the front and open the diaper. I gag at the sight and smell, I try and take a deep breath but it's too late, the smell has already gotten to me. I try and control my breathing, hoping this sick feeling goes away soon.

I make the mistake of looking again, my stomach lurches and I make a dash to the bathroom, thankful that's it's the next room. I crash to my knee's as I throw up violently. As I throw up for a second time I hear the front door close.

"Haz?... I'm home" I hear (Y/N) calling out.

I want to reply, but I throw up a third time. I hear (Y/N) walking upstairs still calling out my name.

"H-here" I weakly yell before gagging.

"Oh Haz, what's wrong... why didn't you tell me you were sick?" (Y/N) said.

"I'm not sick, I-I couldn't do the diaper" I said, blushing slightly.

"Love, that's nothing to be embarrassed about, you did really well today. I'm proud of you Hazza" (Y/N) said.

I still felt sick, so I stayed in the bathroom while (Y/N) went to change our baby and tidy up. I went downstairs ten minutes later to find my beautiful family watching TV.

"How you feeling?" (Y/N) asked.

"Better, but we need to watch what we feed her" I laughed.

"I thought you were manly Haz" (Y/N) joked.

"I promise I'm masculine" I winked at her.

"I love you Harry" (Y/N) said, kissing my forehead.

"I love you too baby" I replied, smiling at my amazing family.

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