Louis looks after sick Hannah

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Hannah POV

I coughed for the umpteenth time as I checked my phone to see if Louis had gotten my messages. Louis and I had been going out for a while already and he offered to come and look after me while I had the flu. I was happy he was coming over today, I honestly feel horrible and just seeing him instantly cheers me up. As I cough and blow my nose again I hear the door opening and Louis calling out. I groan slightly as his loud voice ricocheted through my already aching head.

"In here Lou" I call out as best as I can.

"Oh love, look at you. You look miserable" he coos, while giving me a hug.

"I feel about the same as I look" I rasp out, coughing at the end.

"Well, Dr Louis is here and you have nothing to worry about, I'll have you back on your feet in no time. Now, the first thing I need is a list of symptoms so I can get you medicine" Louis says.

"Umm, I have a headache, coughing, sneezing and my throat is burning" I tell him.

"Ok, I'll be right back" he says happily as he leaves the lounge room.

I wait for a few minutes and listen to cupboards banging upstairs and a few muffled sounds before Louis appears again carrying several types of medicine. I watch as he lines them all up in a row on the coffee table.

"Shall we begin the healing process love?" he asks rubbing his hands together.

"L-Lou.... are you trying to overdose me?" I ask, causing him to laugh.

"Relax Han, some are for later" he replies.

I watch as he pours some cough medicine into the cup.

"Now, I know you don't like it, but I don't like seeing you sick, so drink up" Louis tells me, while handing me the cup.

I drink it and pull a disgusted face at their false advertising of strawberry flavour.

"Next up is for your headache, so take these two and here's some water" Louis says.

"Thanks for this Lou" I reply after having the medicine.

"It's my pleasure love" he replies. "I think we should tidy up some of these tissues and then we can put a movie on" Louis adds.

"Lou, no, they're mine, it's disgusting.... I'll pick them up" I say as I stand up.

"Woah-h....." I speak as I feel the room spin around me. I try and reach for the arm rest of the couch but my vision is too blurred to make it out.

"Hannah? Are you ok?" Louis asks, and I can hear the concern in his voice.

"I'm really dizzy Lou" I say, as I feel tears come to eyes.

"Hey hey, it's ok, I've got you and I'm not going to let you fall, let's just get you back onto the couch so you can be safe" Louis says, helping me sit back down.

He sits next to me and rubs up and down my back while I wait for the dizziness to go away.

"Are you still dizzy love?" he asks.

"It's getting better" I reply, as my vision begins to settle.

"You scared me Hannah, I don't need you passing out on me" Louis says. "Now will you please just lay there and let me do things for you" he adds sassily.

I chuckle in response and nod my head slightly.

A few minutes later, Louis tidied up the lounge and gave me another blanket because it was too cold before making me some Yorkshire tea with honey in it.

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