Request - Harry goes to hospital

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Hey guys this was a request.  Hope you like it :) xxx

I woke up this morning with sharp pains in my lower back. I looked over at Angel sleeping peacefully; not wanting to wake her, I got up as slowly as I could. Even moving was painful, I wasn't too worried though, I figured I must have just pulled a muscle on stage last night. I walked over to the bathroom, in search of medicine; I rummaged through the cabinet looking for something to help. My search was cut short as a wave of nausea came over me. I turned the shower on, hoping the water would block out some sounds; I didn't want Angel knowing I was sick. I kneeled down in front of the toilet just waiting for it to happen. I felt sicker and sicker and starting gagging. After a few seconds I was throwing up everything I had eaten the day before. I put my head in my hands as I threw up again. With each heave pain pulsed through my lower back. After a few minutes I had nothing left to bring up but acid. Tears fell from my face as it stung my stomach and my throat. I sat up against the wall for a few minutes before getting into the shower. The hot water seemed to help my back so I just stood in the shower letting the water run over me.

After my shower I found some medicine which would help, I swallowed the pills gratefully with some water before going back into the bedroom. Angel was just starting to wake up.

"Morning Haz, you're up early" she said to me, looking over at the clock.

"Morning love just couldn't sleep" I replied to her.

"I'm going to get started on breakfast" I said, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I made my way downstairs and started on breakfast. The smell of food was too much and before I knew it I was throwing up in the kitchen sink. I hoped Angel wouldn't hear, I tried to be as quiet as I could. When I was finished, I rinsed my mouth out and made some toast knowing I had to eat with the medicine. I forced myself to keep my stomach in place while I made Angel some breakfast before taking it up to her. Walking up the stairs carrying the tray made my back hurt again, but I pushed through it.

I got ready to go into the studio and gave Angel a kiss before leaving. I drove for ten minutes before needing to pull over and throwing up again. I was surprised there was still something left. I got to the studio, ten minutes late and I got a few looks from the rest of the boys.

"You ok Haz?" Liam asked.

I was about to answer him but felt my stomach lurching instead. I put a hand over my mouth and ran into the bathroom before throwing up again. Liam came in behind me and rubbed the top of my back, thankfully, while telling me that it was ok. When I was finished, I went to lie down on the couch for a bit before I had to record. I fell asleep, waking up an hour later with Louis telling me that there was ten minutes before I had to go in.

I sat up and felt that I had to go to the bathroom. While walking there, I realised that I hadn't peed all day, and it was already 11am. I went into the bathroom and stood by the urinals. I waited a few minutes which was odd, because I had to go. Eventually I started to pee, it felt strange and it stung a lot, I looked down to see the urinal covered in blood. With the pain in my lower back coming back again, I screamed for help.

Liam and Louis came rushing in; Niall was recording so he wouldn't have heard me.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Liam asked, bursting through the door.

Liam walked closer to me and he saw the blood.

"Louis call an ambulance right now!" Liam announced.

While Louis was dialling, Liam helped me back to the couch. The ambulance arrived and they took me straight to the hospital. The boys rang Angel and told her to meet them there. Liam drove with me in the ambulance while Louis and Niall followed behind.

They took me into a room where I explained my symptoms. After a lot of tests I was taken into another room where Liam, Louis, Niall and Angel were already waiting for me.

"Haz, why didn't you tell me you were sick?" Angel asked me.

"Didn't want to worry you" I told her.

"Well it didn't work, I've never been so scared in my life when I got that call" she said, letting a tear fall onto her cheek.

"I'm sorry love" I said.

She held my hand as we waited in silence for the doctor to come back. When the doctor walked back in I felt Angel's grip on my hand tighten.

"Mr Styles, we have your results. Are you happy for everyone here to be in the room?" she asked.

"Y-yes" I stammered, worried about what she would say.

"Well, you were severely dehydrated and your kidneys were beginning to shut down, that's why you had the pain in your lower back and the reason you were peeing blood" she announced.

"Why was he throwing up?" Liam asked.

"Because of the build of toxins in his body from not drinking water, the body had to find another way to get rid of them, and that's why he was throwing up" she answered.

"Will he be ok?" Angel asked.

"Yes, he will have to stay here on a drip overnight and he will be given some medication but he should be able to go home tomorrow afternoon. Also, he will have to take it easy and drink a lot of water for a few weeks" the doctor said.

"Any other questions?" she asked.

"I think that's everything" Louis said.

"Very well then, get some rest Mr Styles, I'll see you tomorrow" she said before leaving.

"Haz, why didn't you drink any water?" Niall asked.

"It's been so cold lately, so I didn't bother, I wanted warm drinks" I said.

The next day I was allowed to go home. Angel and the rest of the boys fussed over me for three weeks before I finally managed to convince them that I was better.

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