Request: Zayn sick with Flu

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Hey guys, this was a request from LOVETOWRITE45.  Hope you like it :) xx


The boys were so excited to have a whole two months off.  Their last concert was December 20th.  They were happy to be with their families for such a long time before they started their On The Road Again Tour.  All the boys were in New York until December 22nd and then they’d go their separate ways, until February when their 2015 tour started. 

“Thank you New York” Liam’s voice boomed through the stadium.

“You have been absolutely incredible, we have had the best year and it’s all thanks to you.... the fans” Niall added.

The boys did a group hug on stage to celebrate their final show of 2014 and walked off the stage.  They had a day and a half to site see New York before they head home for the holidays. 

“That was amazing” Louis said while boarding the bus. 

“I think that was the loudest one yet” Harry stated.

Paul gave the boys their dinner and left them for the night.  After dinner, Niall and Louis played FIFA, Harry was tweeting about the concert, Zayn was Facetiming Perrie and Liam was on the phone with Sophia. 

Before the boys realised it was already 1am. 

“Time for bed boys” Liam said.

They all agreed and went off into their bunks. 

The next morning Liam got up and went to wake up Harry and Niall.  Louis got himself up and they all helped with Zayn.  Soon everyone was up, and Liam went to start breakfast.  During breakfast Zayn noticed his throat was a bit scratchy, he didn’t worry, he thought he pushed too far vocally last night. 

“What shall we do today?” Harry asked.

“Dunno, let’s just go see things” Louis said with a smile.

After breakfast they got ready and headed out for the day.  Around 4pm it started snowing, so they decided to head back to the bus.  Zayn loved the snow so he decided to stay out in it longer than the others. 

“Zayn, get back in here, you’re going to get sick” Liam yelled as Daddy Direction from the bus.

“I’m fine, I never get sick” Zayn replied while making a snow angel.

It was true though, the whole tour Zayn was the only one who hadn’t been sick.  Eventually Zayn came inside.  Liam made some hot chocolate for everyone.  They all sat down in the lounge and watched a movie.  Later that night, it stopped snowing, so they all went out for dinner.  Once they got back to the bus, it was after 11pm.  They had to be at the airport at 7am so they headed to bed. 

It was now December 22nd and the boys were headed back home.  They were all on the same flight to London and from their Niall flew to Ireland and the rest of the boys went home.  They promised to Facetime each other through the holidays.  When Niall arrived in Ireland, he sent the lads a message to let them know he got there safely

From: Nialler

To: Haz, Lou, Zayn, Liam

Hey guys, I’m here.  Miss you already!! :)

The boys replied to say they missed each other too.  Once they arrived at their homes, they unpacked and relaxed with their families. 

On December 24th, Liam, Niall, Harry and Zayn had planned to go to Louis house because his parents were throwing him a surprise party for his 23rd birthday.  They all decided to meet at Zayn’s house, get Niall from the airport and then head over to Louis house. 

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