Request - Nouis - Louis fakes sick

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Louis POV

We've been in New York for a week already and I've barely had more than two hours with Niall each night. They all want him for interviews and I just don't get time with him anymore. I understand that he is amazing and everyone wants some of his time, but he's mine. It's not bad that I don't want to share him all the time.... is it? We only came out a month ago so that's why everyone wants to interview him and get all the gossip on how we managed to hide our relationship for so long.

I looked over at the clock and saw it was almost midnight. I got a message earlier from Niall; he said he wouldn't be back until 1am because one of the magazines wants to run the story tomorrow so they need to go into the night. I was glad that Niall only had one interview tomorrow afternoon; hopefully we can spend most of the day out and sightseeing. I don't want to explore on my own, I want to see New York with my Nialler, and so while he's doing interviews I just sit in the hotel room, alone. Harry and Liam are both in London at the moment so it's just me.

Niall POV

I got out of the van out the front of the hotel and greeted the few fans that were waiting. I admired their dedication because it was almost 2am, the interview ran late, but I really did just want to get up to my room and see Louis. I'm hoping he's still up but I wouldn't blame him if he went to sleep already.

I quietly swipe my key card and open the door. The TV is on a low volume but Louis is asleep in the bedroom already. I change into comfier clothes and hop into bed.

"Ni?" Louis says quietly, still asleep.

"Sorry Lou, we ran late" I reply.

"Missed you" he says, shuffling closer.

"Missed you too BooBear" I said, wrapping my arm around him.

*the next morning*

Louis POV

I woke up to find Niall still asleep. I start on breakfast while leaving him to sleep until he gets up. It wasn't long before the smell of pancakes reached the bedroom and a sleepy Niall came into the kitchen area.

"Mmmm smells good Lou" Niall tells me, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

I can only giggle at his compliment of my average cooking skills.

We sit down and have some breakfast while we plan our day.

"What do you want to see love?" Niall asks me.

"EVERYTHING!" I squeal back in excitement.

"Ok, one that's impossible and two, I need to be back here by five for Paul to take me to the interview" Niall replies.

I sigh and slide down in my chair, knowing that there is a time limit on our day out.

We shower and get dressed and by 10am we're out on the streets of New York. We do the classic Times Square and a few other touristy things before getting lunch. We had a hotdog from a very dodgy looking cart but it was actually quite delicious.

I see Niall glancing at his watch every now and again, not wanting to be late. It's 3pm already and I'm pretty tired so to put Niall's mind at ease, I suggest we go back to the hotel. We hail for a taxi and make our way back to the hotel. By the time we get back it's almost 3:30pm, we weren't very far from the hotel and there wasn't much traffic the way we went.

"Shall we watch some TV?" Niall asks, sitting on the couch.

I nod and sit next to him. I put my feet up on the couch and lay my head on his chest, as he wraps an arm around me.

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