Harry sick at BBC interview

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Harry POV

I'm really worried. I've had a sore throat for about three days already and I hope it isn't strep. I've been placed on vocal rest for two weeks which starts today. I've been on vocal rest before but tomorrow is our BBC radio interview. I've never been on vocal rest while we had an interview, it isn't even like it's a TV interview where I can write things down, it's a radio one.

I go to sleep wondering how this all going to work.

I woke up the next morning to my throat burning. I start crying from the pain, I can't even swallow it's just too sore.

"Harry! What's wrong!?" Liam yells running into my room.

I just grab my throat and shake my head.

"Your throat?" Liam questions.

I just nod in response.

Liam runs out and grabs a notebook and pen.

"Write down how you're feeling Haz" he asks.

'It burns, I can't swallow, it hurts so bad' I write and hand it back to him.

"We're going to the doctors" Liam says.

I start shaking my head and point at my watch trying to show him the time.

"We still have two hours before we have to be at BBC so if we leave now it'll be ok, I'm going to ring for an appointment for you" Liam says before leaving.

I get dressed and try to have some water which just ends up with me moaning in pain.

"Harry, you have an appointment in half an hour, let's go" Liam yells.

I walk out of my room looking sad and wave to Louis and Niall sitting at the table.

"Feel better Haz" Niall says.

Louis looks like he has tears in his eyes as he stands up to give me a hug.

Liam and I go in to see the doctor, after running some tests the doctor tells me that I have strep and I need to be on strict vocal rest for three weeks and take a long list of medication.

After the doctor Liam went to the pharmacy to get the medicine I needed. By the time we had done all of that we went straight to BBC.

Once we arrived the rest of the boys were already there. Liam filled them in on my condition and we made our way to the room where we would do the interview. Liam wrote 'on vocal rest' on a piece of paper and taped it to my shirt like they used to do on X Factor.

We went into the room and took our seats.

"Now welcome back everyone, we are joined by One Direction" the presenters announced.

All the boys said hello and I just waved.

"Now, we have a few things we'd like to ask but the first thing is we see here that Harry has a 'on vocal rest' sign taped to him. Why are you on vocal rest? Obviously you can't answer that" the presenters chuckled.

"He has strep throat and needs to rest for three weeks" Liam spoke on my behalf.

We had been in the interview for half an hour and I felt the effects of the medication starting to take effect. I was getting tireder each passing minute. I could hardly keep my eyes open. I felt the room starting to spin slightly and remembered the doctor saying that dizziness is a side effect.

Louis must have noticed my strange behaviour and grabbed the pen and paper in front of me that I was using to write down my answers on. He scribbled something down before passing it back to me.

'Are you ok?' I read.

'No, feeling dizzy' I wrote and passed it back to him, shutting my eyes.

I put my elbows on the table and rested my head on my hands.

"We're going to take a short break, here is Hey Angel from Made In The AM" the presenters said before flicking the 'On Air' sign off and leaving the room.

Liam came over and saw what I wrote on the paper.

"You still dizzy Haz?" he asked.

I nodded my head, regretting it immediately.

Niall handed me some water and I managed to have a little bit of it. Liam and Louis helped me out of the room and onto a couch in the dressing room.

Liam POV

When the break was over we went back into the room where I informed the presenters briefly on Harry's condition and asked them not to announce it on air. They agreed and we carried on with the interview.

An hour later we were done. Harry was fast asleep on the couch, I didn't want to wake him but I knew that the sooner we left, the sooner we'd be back home and he could sleep in his comfy bed.

I shook him awake and I could see the pain in his eyes. Niall helped me get him up and into the van and we drove back home. Once we got back I helped him change into sweats and got him comfy in bed and made sure he had everything he needed.

The three weeks flew by and before we knew it we were all rolling our eyes at his so called funny jokes.

1D SickFicsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora