BSM - He fakes sick

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Hey guys, another update for you all :)  I am also working my way through a few requests.  Im also going to be updating my preferences and imagine book with some requests I've gotten later this week!!  Hope you're having a great day xxx

Harry (he's 16, you're 23)

Harry was in his second last year of school. Exams were a few days away and he was very stressed. Going to bed at 3am and being up again at 7am was starting to take its toll on him. He needed a break, badly. He thought of faking sick on Friday to have a long weekend but your parents were too strict. But, when he heard that they would be leaving Thursday for a long weekend away, and you would be looking after him, he knew his plan would work. Harry's alarm woke him up far too early on Friday, he turned it off and went back to sleep. He woke up twenty minutes later with you screaming his name.

"HARRY! Get up, you're going to be so late!" you yelled.

He started waking up slowly.

"Ugh, (Y/N), please stop yelling" he said.

"Get up then" you replied.

He sat up and put his head in his hands. He was so tired he couldn't function anymore and before he could stop it tears blurred his vision before they fell freely from his eyes.

"Haz, what's wrong?" you asked.

"I'm so tired, my head hurts so much I can't even think straight" he choked out in between sobs.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were sick" you said, engulfing him in a hug.

You rubbed his back for a few minutes until he calmed down.

"You're staying home today, I can see how tired you are" you tell him."

Thanks (Y/N), I love you sis" he said.

"Love you too bro" you reply while picking out a movie to watch.

Louis (he's 15, you're 19)

Louis was dreading going to school tomorrow. He had an assignment due which he never did; he wanted to do it, but soccer and music were more important to him. He needed a way that he could skip school so he would have three days to do his work before having to give it in on Monday.

He knew your parents would send him to school if he had a cold or a headache so he had to play it up more. He thought and thought about it before he realised that they wouldn't send him to school if he was throwing up. He hated throwing up and he had been caught out with fake vomit before, so he would have to rely on his acting skills.

It was around midnight and he thought now is a good a time as any. He started making himself cry, not too loudly because he knew that you would probably still be awake and his room was next to yours. Once he was happy that he was crying enough for his eyes to be red, and his voice to hitch he opened his bedroom door and ran down the hallway into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

You were in your room watching Netflix on your laptop when you heard the bathroom door slam shut. You took your earphones out and went to investigate. You first checked Louis's room and saw he wasn't there. Next you ran down the hall to the bathroom and heard coughing as you got closer. You knocked a twice before opening the door and going in. When you walked into the bathroom, you found Louis hunched over the toilet coughing and spitting, while crying and holding his stomach.

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