Request (Zayn) - Jennifer sick before he leaves for tour

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Hey guys, this was a request from Kendallsangelwwheels.  Hope you like it :)

Jennifer woke up this morning feeling awful. 

“Why today?” she asked herself. 

She rolled over to find that Zayn wasn’t next to her.  The room was so hot so she pulled the covers off and lay in bed for a while.  Zayn came into the room shortly after with his suitcase.

“Morning Jen” he said with a smile.

“Morning love” she replied.

“You ok?  You don’t look so good” Zayn said while walking over to her.

“I’m ok” she replied with a fake smile.

Zayn just shrugged his shoulders and carried on packing.  Soon Jennifer was up and she went to the kitchen where Zayn had already made breakfast.  She felt too sick to eat, so while Zayn wasn’t looking she threw the food in the trash and made as if she had eaten it. 

A while later Zayn asked if she could please go to the store on the corner and get him the last few things he needed for tour as he didn’t want to mobbed by fans.  Jennifer was so tired, she just wanted to sleep but she loved Zayn too much to tell him, so off she went to the corner store.  It was only one minute down the road and he only needed a couple of things.  Jennifer was home half an hour later, feeling sicker that she did before she left. 

“Here you go love” she said while handing Zayn the packet with his things in.

“Thanks honey, you’re a lifesaver” he said with a smile.  “You ok?” he added while kneeling down in front of her. 

Jennifer couldn’t take it anymore, she began crying uncontrollably. 

“Jen, please honey, you’re scaring me.... tell me what’s wrong” Zayn said with panic. 

“I’m gonna be sick” she said. 

Zayn pushed her into the bathroom and helped her over the toilet where she threw up many times. 

“You done sweetie?” he asked.  He never got an answer.  “Jen.....Jen” he said while shaking her.  He felt her limp body against his and realised she passed out.  He carried her to bed bridal style and laid her down.

Soon she came around.

“What happened?” Jen asked.

“You were sick and passed out, why didn’t you say you were sick?” he asked.

“Because you were packing and your leaving for tour and you’re so busy, I didn’t want to bother you” she replied softly.

“Baby, I will never be too busy for you” Zayn replied as he climbed into bed next to Jen.

Jen fell asleep in Zayn’s arms.  She was woken up when she heard Zayn talking on the phone to someone.

“Everything ok?” she asked.

“Never better, I just told Paul you’re sick and if they want me on tour with them they will move the tour to next week because you’re more important to me” Zayn said while kissing Jen on the forehead.

Jen fell asleep with a smile on her face, realising just how much Zayn loves her.

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