Request - Niall carsick

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Hey everyone!!  Another update :)  This was a request, unfortunately I cant remember who requested it.... hope you like it :) xxx

"Boys, you all need to have a good night's rest. We're leaving at 4am tomorrow and we will be at the stadium at 5pm. It's a long drive, but we can't take the tour bus, so we're going to be in the van, ok" Paul told Harry, Louis, Niall and Liam.

"Ok, night Paul" Harry said.

"Night" Niall and Louis said at the same time.

"See you tomorrow" Liam added as Paul left.

"Fun, fun, fun.... 13 hour car ride" Harry said, clapping his hands together.

"Guess we better get to bed... night guys" Liam spoke up.

"Night everyone" all the boys chorused.

The next morning, they were all up early. Paul pulled up in the van next to the tour bus and beeped for the boys to come out.

They all greeted Paul and set off on their way to their next location.

They were about six hours in when Niall began feeling sick. He tried to sleep and slowly sip his water but it wasn't helping much. Liam noticed Niall's discomfort and kept a close eye on him.

Another hour had passed and Liam had noticed that Niall was looking paler than usual.

"You ok Ni? You look a bit pale" Liam said, all the boys turned and looked at Niall.

"Feel a bit sick" Niall said, rubbing his stomach.

"Maybe you should sit up front for a bit?" Paul suggested.

Paul pulled over and Niall moved from the back to the front, so he could see out the front. It helped slightly, and Niall managed to fall asleep for an hour.

They were now just over half way and Niall's stomach began flipping. He squirmed in his seat trying to change position and rub his stomach. He felt his mouth watering and he knew he'd be sick soon.

"Hey you're awake. How you feeling?" Paul asked, getting the attention of the others.

Niall shook his head and put his hand over his mouth.

"I'm pulling over Ni, hang on" Paul announced.

He pulled over and Niall leapt out of the car and onto the side of the road. Liam jumped out and ran over to Niall and rubbed his back while he was throwing up. Harry went and got a bottle of water from the back so Niall could rinse the foul taste out of his mouth and Louis went in search of tissues so Niall would stop using his sleeve to wipe his mouth.

Niall threw up a few more times before he felt ok enough to get back on the road.

"Front or lay down on the back seat?" Harry asked.

"Back seat please" Niall spoke shakily.

Niall fell asleep on the back seat for a couple of hours. He woke up with only an hour left to go.

"Ni's up, how you doing mate?" Liam asked.

Before Niall could answer he threw up on himself and all over the floor.

"I'm so so sorry Li, it just happened" Niall said, tears starting to fall.

"Hey, it's ok. Why are you crying?" Louis asked.

"I feel sick" Niall said, gripping his stomach.

"Hey Paul, can we stop for a bit please?" Harry asked.

Paul pulled into a petrol station and Niall got some fresh air while Paul went and got some stomach relaxers for him.

After the medicine, Niall said he was sleepy and fell asleep for the rest of the trip. He woke up later on all tucked up in his bed in the hotel.

"How you feeling now?" Louis asked, sitting on the side of the bed.

"Much better, think I was just carsick" Niall said.

"That's good, I hate seeing you sick" Louis said with a smile.

"If it helps at all, I don't like being sick" Niall replied.

"Yeah, just sucks we have to drive all that way back to the bus again" Louis said.

Niall fell silent.

"Ni.....?" Louis questioned.

"Forgot we have to go back...... I'm gonna be sick" Niall said, rushing to the bathroom.

"Go on tour they said.... it would be fun they said" Louis chuckled quietly to himself while going to help Niall.

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