Harry sick on a break

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Hey guys, I'm super sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was away from home for a few days and just got back. To make up for the slow updates, this one is quite long (2,070 words). Hope you like it. This will also be a series. I've done one for Niall, and this is Harry's one. I hope to be updating Louis and Liam's tomorrow. Hope you're all having a great day/night :) xxx

PS) I cannot believe there are only another 3 shows left of OTRAT :'( :'(

The boys of One Direction had just finished their final show in Birmingham and had a three day break before they played in Dublin. They made their way back to the tour bus while chatting about what they were planning to do for the three days.

"Sophia and I are going to just spend some time at home and relax for the three days" Liam spoke.

"I'm going home to Mullingar for a bit and attempt to play golf with this stupid boot of mine" Niall said.

"Dunno, guess just go back to Donny and play a charity game and see the family" Louis said.

Harry had zoned out, not really following the conversation. He hadn't been feeling all that well through the day and he just felt worse as the concert went on. His head ached and his stomach churned painfully.

"Harry! What's up with you mate?" Liam asked, pulling Harry out of his thoughts.

"W-what? Sorry, just tired" Harry stammered.

"What's your plans for the break?" Niall asked.

"Um, probably just go home for a bit" Harry replied.

Louis, Liam and Niall thought that Harry was just tired so they all said their goodnights and got ready for bed. Just before the boys went to sleep, Paul came into the bus and said his goodbye's to the lads and told them he would see them again in Dublin.

Harry had a terrible night. He was tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep. The fever riddled his body and he shivered through his thick blankets. He reached for his phone, sighing when it was already 4am. He knew the boys were leaving in the morning and he didn't want to be sick and alone, but he couldn't be the one who prevented any of the boys seeing their family.

Harry fell asleep eventually only to be woken by Liam two hours later.

"Haz, what time's the van coming for you?" Liam asked.

"Not going home today" Harry whispered back.

"You ok Haz?" Liam asked.

"Fine, just so tired" Harry mumbled before falling asleep again.

Liam was worried, but he couldn't miss this opportunity to see his family, he said goodbye to Harry even though he knew he was asleep already. Louis and Niall also yelled 'bye Haz' just before leaving.

Harry was woken up at 10am by a sickly feeling overcoming him. He got up and shakily walked over to the small bathroom before sitting in front of the toilet. He gripped the sides hard and pulled himself up, hovering over the clear water....waiting. He let out a few coughs, which turned into gags and before he could prepare himself, Harry was throwing up the bits of food he had eaten the day before. Each heave caused his stomach to cramp and ache even more. It put a lot of pressure on his already throbbing head. He sat like that for a few minutes before feeling ok enough to leave. Harry grabbed a thermometer and took his own temperature. He felt even more miserable when he saw he had a fever of 38.7 (101.6) degrees. He thought a cold shower might help. Harry stripped down and got into the cramped space. He let the cold water run over his feverish body before it got too much for his stomach to handle and he threw up in the shower.

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