You get sick at Harry's house

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Hey guys, I managed an update today because we had a massive storm and the uni's network was down.  Hope you like it xxx :)

“ to wake up” you heard Harry whisper while shaking your shoulder gently.

You groaned and turned to face him “ugh, what time is it?” you asked sleepily.

“It’s 8:20am, we have to leave for my parents by 9am or else we will get there too late” Harry replied while getting dressed. 

You just rolled over and closed your eyes again.  You weren’t really feeling too well, but you couldn’t quite say what it was.  After another five minutes, you got up and got ready.  You went downstairs where Harry was finishing up breakfast.

“You ok love?” he asked as you walked into the kitchen.

“Just tired I guess” you replied.  You felt so bad for lying to him but he hadn’t seen his family in seven months, and he was leaving again soon for the On The Road Again Tour.  So you knew this would be the only chance he would get. 

Harry set two plates out on the table.  You felt sick just by looking at food.  Harry began eating; you just moved some pieces around, not wanting to put anything in your mouth. 

“Not hungry?” Harry asked.

“Not really, thanks though” you say with a smile.

He just shrugged his shoulders and carried on eating. 

“I’m going to finish getting ready” you say as you stand up and leave. 

About ten minutes later you’re both ready to leave.  It’s about a four hour drive to Harry’s family.  You were so grateful when he offered to drive, you couldn’t handle that too. 

An hour into the drive Harry noticed that you were being quieter than usual. 

“You alright honey, you’re very quiet” he asked while resting his hand on your thigh.

“I’m ok thanks, just tired” you replied while placing your hand on top of his.  “Why don’t you put your seat back and sleep a bit?” he suggested.

You did as he said, and soon you were fast asleep.  You woke up three hours later with Harry shaking you, informing you that you guys had arrived.  You got out of the car and felt your stomach churn a bit.  You breathed heavily and followed Harry up the few stairs to the door.  Before he could knock Anne already had the door open and was already hugging Harry. 

“Harry..... (Y/N) it’s so good to see you both again” Anne said as she hugged you.

“It’s great to see you all too” you replied with a forced smile, you were really starting to feel sick now. 

You looked over to find Harry; he was already talking to Gemma.  He looked so happy when he saw his family.  Anne was in the kitchen, and you walked in to see her finishing up with lunch.

“Wow, this looks great.  Can I help with anything?” you asked.

“Oh no love, it’s just about done thanks” she said with a smile.

You and Harry had been dating for almost two years so you knew his family, and they knew you quite well.  Anne called everyone over to the table for lunch.  You dished up a small amount of food hoping no one would notice.

“Is that all your having love?  I promise it’s not that bad” Anne said with a chuckle.

“I’m sure it’s delicious, I’m not very hungry, Harry made a big breakfast” you answered.

“I did, but you nev-“ was all Harry said before you kicked him under the table and glared at him. 

You managed to eat the small about of food without feeling worse.  Around twenty minutes after lunch you began to feel sicker than ever.  You were certain it wouldn’t be long before you threw up.  You placed your hand on your stomach and pressed lightly while breathing heavy.  You hoped no one saw, unfortunately Harry noticed.  He leaned over to you and whispered “are you ok?”  You looked back at him and slowly shook your head.  You gave him a face to say ‘please don’t say anything’, you were happy when he understood.  Soon Anne told everyone to sit in the lounge room as it would be comfier. 

Everyone moved into the other room, with you following behind Harry.  You sat next to Harry and he had his arm around you.  You slowly laid your head on his shoulder, he could feel the heat radiating off you.  He made as if he was brushing the hair out of your eyes, but he was actually checking for a fever, which you now had.  You sat on the couch talking with everyone for ten minutes when you felt awful. 

“May I please be excused?” you asked.

“Of course love” Anne said with a smile.

You mumbled a thank you and went off to the bathroom. 

“Is she ok?” Anne asked as you left the room.

“I don’t know....she never had any breakfast and hardly any lunch...I’ll go check on her” Harry replied standing up to find you.

“(Y/N)” Harry called out.

He headed towards the bathroom; once he was outside the door he heard coughing.  He didn’t bother to knock, he just came straight in.  You were hunched over the toilet crying.

“(Y/N) what’s wrong” Harry asked with panic in his voice as he knelt down beside you.

“I-I don’t f-f-feel well...” you said while crying more.

“Have you been sick yet?” Harry asked.

You just shook your head as Harry began to rub your back.  You started breathing heavier. 

“I’m gonna be s-“ was all you could say before you threw up.  Harry rubbed circles on your back and whispered soothing words while you continued to be sick.  After a couple of minutes you stopped and lay back against Harry’s warm body. 

“You done love?” he asked.

“I think so” you replied softly.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick, silly?” he said while using a tissue to wipe your mouth.

“Didn’t want to ruin the only chance you’d get to see you family” you whispered.

“You could never ruin anything” he said with a smile.

Harry helped you up and led you out of the bathroom. 

“Are you going to be ok for the drive home or do you want to stay here tonight?” Harry asked. 

“I think we should stay here if it’s ok with your Mom” you answered.

Harry led you to his old bedroom where he lay you in bed and covered you.  He kissed your forehead and went to get a bucket and a wet cloth.  He placed the cloth on your forehead to help with the fever, and he set the bucket beside you in case.

“Is (Y/N) ok?” Anne asked as Harry entered the lounge room.

“No.... she’s just been sick.  Is it ok if we please stay here tonight? She’s not well enough for the four hour drive home” Harry asked.

“Of course, this is still your house, you stay as long as you like” Anne said with a smile.

Harry thanked her, and she told him she hopes you feel better soon.  Harry went back upstairs and hopped into the bed with you.  He held you tightly as you slowly drifted off to sleep. 

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