Request - Niall sick at rehearsals

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Hey guys, this was another request.  I am working my way through the few that I have.  Requests are closed at the moment.  I will be working at the hospital for 3 weeks and have exams after.  I am almost on holidays again :)  I will let you all know when requests are open again!!  Enjoy xxx

Niall POV

I probably should've mentioned to someone that my stomach was hurting, but I didn't think it would get this bad so quickly. I wanted to tell Liam before we left for rehearsal but we were running late and I never had time. The van ride to the stadium didn't help either. Apart from the pain becoming harder to handle, I am feeling quite sick and I know it won't be long before I throw up.

I grab my phone and text my girlfriend, Rylee, she always makes me feel better. We're quite close to home, so she's only about 45 mins from me. I wish our schedule allowed some time for me to see her. She said she was going to make it to the show tonight, so that's good news.

To: Ry

From: Ni

Hey baby, I feel sick and my stomach hurts really bad. Wish you were here now xx

To Ni:

From: Ry

Aww baby, I am so sorry to hear you don't feel well. Have you told one of the boys? Maybe skip rehearsal love xxx

To: Ry

From: Ni

I haven't told them. Too late, we're starting now. Miss you xxx See you tonight

Maybe Rylee was right. I should try and skip rehearsals and lie down. I think I'm going to try one song and then sit the rest out.

I walk up onto the stage, holding my stomach tightly.

"You ok Ni? You don't look so good" Liam tells me.

"Feel sick, and my stomach is killing me" I say, groaning at the end.

"Hang on, I'll see what I can do" Liam says, before running off.

I sit down on a prop and bend over, hoping to ease the increasing pain. I look over and see Liam talking to Paul. Liam comes walking back toward me when I start feeling sicker than before. I place my hand over my mouth and attempt to stand up. Liam grabs a cleaning bucket which was conveniently left in the middle of the stage and gives it to me. I grab it and hold it in front of me as everything I've eaten lately comes spilling out into it.

Liam rubs my back while Harry and Louis come onto the stage, hearing me being sick and offer their help.

"Well the good news is, you can sit rehearsals out" Liam says, once I'm finished being sick.

"Thanks Li" I rasp out.

"My pleasure mate, we just hope you're better before the show" Liam replied.

"So do I" I say.

"Got you some water Ni" Louis says, holding out a bottle of water.

I thank him and gratefully accept it, hoping to rinse the foul taste out of my mouth.

"Do you want to sit in one of the chairs out front or backstage in the dressing room?" Paul asks me.

I think about it for a few seconds and decide to sit in the front row, so I can still be with the boys. Paul helps me down the stairs, as each step is becoming more painful before I finally reach the chair and sit down.

I listen to the boys rehearse Drag Me Down, Story of My Life, Teenage Dirtbag (for fun) and Fireproof.

My stomach starts to cramp even more, the pain no longer coming and going, just staying there and increasing in intensity. The boys were half way through You and I when I screamed out in agony. The pain is now white searing, and not letting up. I wrap both arms around my middle and fall to the ground, in an attempt to curl up, hoping more pressure helps.

Everyone rushes over to me and tries to ask what is wrong. I just scream in reply, the pain is too intense to form words. I begin feeling sick again and throw up on the floor. Harry chucks a towel over the mess I made and tries to move me. The second Harry moves me, the pain gets even worse. I scream out again, wishing it would end. I feel sick again and prepare myself to throw up, I turn my head to the side so I don't choke and wait for it to happen. I gag a few times before I feel it climbing up my throat, it feels different though. I eventually throw up blood, which causes mass panic. Seconds later I hear sirens, someone must have called an ambulance. I hear the fans outside the stadium scream, unsure of what's happening inside.

"Niall, you're going to be ok" Harry tries to reassure me.

I'm grateful for everyone here, but I want Rylee. It's as if Louis read my mind.

"Mate, I called Rylee earlier and told her to come here, so she should be here really soon ok" Louis said.

I nodded my head in response as the pain grew.

The paramedics came in and gave me some pain relief before suggesting that I might have appendicitis. They put me on the stretcher and were taking to the ambulance when Rylee arrived.

"NIALL!" I heard her scream.

She came running over to me and gave me a kiss before riding with me to the hospital. Once we arrived she had to wait in the waiting room with the rest of the boys. I was told I needed surgery to get my appendix out. They let Rylee and the boys sit with me until they were ready.

Rylee POV

They've just taken Niall into surgery. The boys and I went back into the waiting room and waited for his name to be called. Two hours later a doctor finally came out. We all looked up at her, hoping that this time we would hear Niall's name.

"Niall Horan?" she questioned.

We all stood up and rushed over to her.

"How is he?" I asked first.

"He is doing well, he is out of surgery. You can see him, but he is still a bit drowsy. Follow me" she said, turning around and walking away.

We followed close behind as she led us to Niall's room. We walked in and my heart sunk. He looked so small in the big bed. I grabbed a chair and pulled it to the side of the bed, sitting down and holding his hand.

He started moving around a little before opening his gorgeous eyes.

"Hey baby, how you feeling?" I ask.

"Tired....sore, but not sick anymore" he weakly replied.

"You gave us quite the scare Ni" Harry spoke.

"S-sorry, thought it would go away" Niall replied quietly.

"At least you're better now" Liam said.

"I've got you lads and I've got the most beautiful girl.... I think I'll be ok" Niall replied, before falling asleep with a smile on his face.

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