Niall - Migraine

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Hi all, this will probably be my last update for the next couple of weeks.  I have exams in 2 weeks time so I be busy studying for them.  Im on holiday in Feb and Im looking very forward to being able to write more often!!  xxx

When Niall woke up this morning he knew it was going to be a rough day.  He felt a headache coming on, but he had to push it aside because they had a busy schedule.  He rolled over and sighed when he saw it was only 5:40am.  They had to be up at 6am for their first interview at 7:30am.  Niall tried to sleep a bit more but that never went well so he just got up. 

He went to the kitchen, got a glass of juice and made some toast.  He heard Liam’s alarm going off and knew he would be up soon.  Niall made and ate his toast, then he took some meds for his now worsening headache.  By the time he had done all of that Liam and Louis were in the kitchen sorting breakfast. 

“Morning Ni” Liam said with a smile.

“Hey” Niall replied.

“You ok Ni?” Louis asked.

“Yeah, just woke up with a headache” Niall answered.

“Let us know if it gets worse, but I don’t think you’d be able to skip anything today” Liam replied with a sigh.

Niall just nodded.  Shortly after that Harry came into the kitchen and yelled “MORNING ALL”.  Niall just grabbed his head and sunk down in his chair.

“Haz, Ni has a headache, quiet down please” Liam said as Daddy Direction. 

“Sorry Ni, I didn’t know” Harry said while crouching down in front of Niall.

“It’s ok” Niall replied.

Eventually Zayn was up and they all had breakfast.  Once they were dressed and ready to go, Paul met them out front and they were off to their first interview.  The meds were helping so Niall seemed “normal” to the interviewer and he answered all his usual questions.  When they were done they were rushed off to the next interview.  After their second interview they had a photo shoot to do.  During the photo shoot with all the flashes Niall’s headache came creeping back and within half an hour he couldn’t handle it anymore.  He realised he left his pain meds on the bus, so he had to tough it out until they got back. 

“Time for solo shots, who first?” the photographer asked.

“I’ll go” Niall replied just wanting to get it out of the way. 

It only took about 10 minutes and then Niall was done.  He went and found a couch in the dressing room and he went to lie down.  Soon he fell asleep.

“Ni, wake up mate, we’re done” Zayn said while shaking his shoulder. 

Niall just groaned and turned over. 

“Ni, come on we have to go” Zayn said a bit louder.

“Zayn, quiet” Niall said as he began crying, which didn’t help his headache.

“Shit, sorry Ni, I didn’t mean to speak that loud.  You ok?” Zayn replied.

“My head hurts so much, I don’t have meds with me” Niall replied between tears. 

“We’re going to lunch now, then back to the bus for a couple of hours before rehearsal” Liam said.

Niall got up and slowly walked towards the boys.  He fell asleep in the van again.  Liam felt his forehead and he was warm.  Paul just went through the drive thru of Subway as all the boys liked the same thing, so did he so it was easier.  Back at the bus everyone was enjoying their lunch, except Niall, he was taking small bites.  Half way through he said he had enough, Paul just nodded. 

“I’m going to go lie down for a bit” Niall said as he stood up.

“Feel better Ni” the boys said in unison.

“Thanks” Niall replied while walking to his bunk.

Niall changed into some sweats and a singlet as he was getting hot and climbed in to his bunk.  After about 45 minutes the pain became unbearable.  Any sound would be amplified and every drop of light that burst through his curtain was blinding.  Niall was sure he now had a migraine.  He began to cry from the pain, as he cried the pain got worse and worse until eventually he couldn’t handle it anymore.  As he was crying Niall threw up on himself and his bunk.  Liam heard the commotion and came running to Niall’s aid. 

“Ni, its Liam can I open your curtain?” Liam asked.

“Yeah, just leave the light off please” Niall replied softly. 

Liam pulled back Niall’s curtain and his heart sank.  Niall looked so helpless in his weak and vulnerable state.  Liam called over Harry and Paul as Louis and Zayn never handled people being sick well.  Liam took Niall into the shower and cleaned him up while Paul and Harry stripped his bed and put clean sheets on. 

“Couch or bunk” Liam asked Niall.

“Couch please” Niall said.

Liam held onto Niall’s waist as he led him to the couch.  Niall sat there for about 10 minutes when he felt sick again.

“Li, bucket” Niall said while putting his hand over his mouth.

Liam threw the bucket at Harry who held it for Niall as he threw up what he had left in him. 

“I hate this, it hurts so much” Niall said as he began to cry. 

Harry rubbed his back in circles and told him he was doing really well. 

“You done?” Harry asked.

“For now, thanks Haz” Niall said while forcing a smile. 

Niall settled on the couch for a bit.  He was doing alright until the busses door swung open letting the afternoon sun flood in.  Niall grabbed his head and screamed in pain as he began throwing up violently again.  A stage crew member burst through the door telling them that they are late for rehearsals.  The concert is in 3 hours.  The boys had completely forgotten about the concert, Niall was their main focus.  Harry held the bucket again for Niall as he continued to throw up.  Zayn ran and shut the door of the bus and told the stage crew person that Niall is sick and that's their main focus right now. 

Liam spoke to Paul about Niall’s condition and Paul said that management said if he can’t do the concert that's fine, but the rest of them will still do it. 

After arguing with management Liam finally convinced them just how sick their little leprechaun was and they agreed to postpone the concert.  All the boys tweeted about the cancellation. 


Hey everyone, Niall is pretty sick so tonight’s show has been moved to next week.  Sorry about this but Nialler can’t do it. #1DSydneyConcertUpdate


Hi guys, Nialler is sick and can’t do the show.  Its moved to next week! #1DSydneyConcertUpdate


Daddy Direction here, Ni is way too sick for tonights show.  So sorry about late notice.  Its moved to next week. #1DSydneyConcertUpdate


Hi all, Ni Ni is really sick and weve had to move tonights show to next week.  Sorry.  #1DSydneyConcertUpdate


Hey everyone, I’m really sick at the moment.  Killer migraine and Ive been throwing up.  Not a good look on stage.  We promise next weeks show will be awesome. Sorry #1DSydneyConcertUpdate

All the fans retweeted and understood the situation.  After 10 minutes of the boys Tweeting, #GetWellSoonNiNi was trending worldwide. 

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