Harry sick on tour (pt 2)

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Hey guys, here is part 2 :)

The boys walked into the bus to find Harry lying in the middle of the floor covered in sweat.  He had been throwing up for the entire concert.  His face was deathly pale and he was shaking.  Zayn went to turn the light on, suddenly, harry’s bloodshot eyes shot open and he screamed while grabbing his head.  Zayn got such a fright he quickly turned the light off.  Harry whimpered before lying back down. 

“Im guessing he has a migraine now” Louis said while getting Harry some water.

Liam turned into Daddy Direction and knelt down beside Harry.  He asked him why he was on the floor.  Harry replied by saying that he was walking from his bunk to the couch, when got really dizzy and he was all alone, so he lay on the floor but then it was so nice and cool, he must have fallen asleep there.  Niall brought Liam the thermometer again, and he put in Harry’s mouth and waited for a beep.  *beep beep* Liam took it out and it read 39.8 (103.6).  With Louis mother being a nurse, Louis knew that it couldn’t go past 40 (104), that would cause Harry to have hallucinations and black out and his organs could start shutting down. 

They stripped Harry off, leaving him only in his boxers and put him in a bath with cold water and ice.  They did that twice an hour, while checking his temperature often.  After the third time, his temperature had come down to 38 (100.4).  He managed to eat some toast and Liam gave him the strongest medicine they had.  Shortly after he fell asleep on the couch.  The boys decided to leave him on the couch and built him a pillow fort in case he rolled off. 

The next day Liam was the first one up (as usual) and went to check on Harry.  He wasn’t sweating as much and his temperature was just slightly high.  Once all the boys were up, Harry sat up slowly.  As he went to thank them for yesterday, his voice came out broken and strained.  With him throwing up all day yesterday the pressure and the acid, hurt his vocal cords and he was put on vocal rest for a few days.  They were thankful their next concert was only in a couple of days, and they only had a few interviews that Harry could write down what he wanted to say.

Later that day Harry tweeted:


So thankful the best brothers anyone could ask for.  Theyre so good at taking care of me :) xx  Love you guys

By the time the concert came around, Harry was feeling so much better!! 

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