Request - Niall sick on a break

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Finally the boys of One Direction had a week off where they could do whatever they wanted. They were all extremely grateful; they had been working really hard playing two shows every day for the past week. They all flew from New York to London, planning on going to visit their families. Niall wanted to spend three days in London visiting friends before going home to Ireland for four days.

"You lads excited to go back home?" Paul asked, as they boarded their plane.

"Yes! It's been a while" Liam replied, Harry and Louis nodded in agreeance.

Niall remained quiet, not answering Paul's question.

"You ok Ni?" Paul asked.

"Yeah, just keen to see everyone again" Niall said.

Niall woke up with a bit of a sore throat but decided not to tell anyone. He placed a pillow on the window and tried to get comfy, eventually falling asleep.

The boys all chatted about what they were going to do on their break.

"Do you guys think Niall is ok?" Liam asked, looking over at him.

"Tired maybe" Harry suggested before continuing his conversation with Louis.

The final hour passed when Paul announced that they'd be landing soon. It was 4am in London, and no one knew they were going home so they weren't expecting any fans.

Liam shook Niall awake as the plane touched down. Niall woke up and groaned quietly as his skull throbbed. They were staying in a hotel until a decent hour, and then going home from there. Apart from Niall, he was staying for three days before going home.

The boys arrived at the hotel and all went up to their own rooms. Niall put his bags in his room and went down to the reception area where they had a small shop with basic items. He browsed the two aisles until he found some pain killers, paying for them and making his way back up to his room. He had a small dinner and his medicine before getting some much needed sleep.

Niall woke up again at 10am. He opened his eyes slowly and blinked a few times, sighing that he still felt bad. He checked his phone and saw that Harry, Liam and Louis had all messaged him saying that they were on their way home already. Niall had agreed to meet up with friends, but cancelled because he was starting to feel worse.

Niall slept for most of the day, getting up occasionally to throw up. His throat burned, his head ached and his stomach wouldn't settle. To top it all off he developed a cough that just wouldn't stop.

He tiredly made his way back down to the little shop, praying that they had cough syrup. He breathed a sigh of relief, which turned into a string of coughs when he saw they had what he wanted. He bought a bottle and slowly made his way back up to his room, pushing through the dizziness. Finally making it to his room he swiped his card and headed straight for the bed, where he fell asleep again.

Niall slept through the night, waking up to see 11:57am in bright letters on the clock beside him. It was now day three of him being sick, and the day he was supposed to travel home. He sat up slowly in bed, placing a hand on his uneasy stomach before reaching for his phone to text one of the boys. He leaned over to his phone, but his battery had died. The reality of him now being completely alone was too much, and Niall began to cry. A mixture of being sick, tired alone was more than he could handle. He began thinking about how much fun the lads were probably having now, with their families, causing him to cry harder. His crying turned into sobbing, which turned into gagging, which turned into him running into the bathroom and throwing up a small amount of food which was still left. Niall was miserable.

Meanwhile, in Wolverhampton Liam couldn't shake the feeling that Niall wasn't well before they left. He tried calling him but it rang through to voicemail every time. Liam decided to call Niall's home number, figuring that he would be home by now.

*conversation* (L=Liam, M=Maura)

M – "Hello"

L – "Hi Maura, it's Liam. Can I please speak to Niall for a minute?"

M – "He isn't home yet"

L – "I'm a bit worried about him, he looked sick before we left but now I can't reach him"

M – "I haven't heard from him yet, I don't even know if he on a plane yet. We are all worried this side. Please let us know if you hear from him"

L – "I will, please let me know too"

M – "I will do so. Niall is very lucky to have such a great friend. I'll speak to you soon. Bye Liam"

L – "Bye Maura"

Liam decided that enough was enough. He rang the hotel they stayed at and found out that Niall hadn't checked out yet. He was only an hour and a half away, so he hopped in the car and drove to London. He got the hotel and made his way up to Niall's room. He knocked loudly on the door, but got no reply. He raced downstairs and asked for an emergency access card. The receptionist gave him the card and he races back up the stairs, thankful that Niall was on the second floor. He swiped the card and walked into the quiet room.

He walked into the bedroom. He could see that the bed had been slept in but Niall wasn't in it. He was about to call out when he heard sniffles and groans coming from the bathroom. He slowly walked over and peeked his head inside, seeing Niall hunched over the toilet with tear stained cheeks.

"NIALL! Are you ok?" Liam asked, kneeling beside him.

"L-Li, what are you doing here?" Niall asked.

"I couldn't get hold of you and your Mom hadn't heard from you and I was worried" Liam replied.

"How long have you been sick for?" Liam asked.

"Three days now" Niall croaked.

"Aw mate, you should have said so, I would've stayed with you" Liam replied.

"It's ok; you needed to see your family" Niall spoke.

"Ni, you're family too" Liam smiled.

Niall smiled in response before trying to get up.

Liam helped Niall have a shower and into some clean clothes before getting him into bed. Liam looked after Niall for that night and the next day before flying with him to Ireland to make sure he was ok on the flight.

"Oh my poor baby" Maura cried when she saw Liam carrying Niall into the house.

"He's pretty sick" Liam informed Maura.

"Liam, I can't thank you enough for what you've done. Now I understand Daddy Direction" Maura chuckled.

"Thanks Maura, please keep me updated on him. I need to get back home. Feel better Ni, I'll see you soon mate" Liam said, before leaving.

"It's ok Ni, I'll look after you" Maura said, brushing some hair out of Niall's face.

"Thanks Mom" Niall rasped out.

Sadly, Niall spent two days back at home, sick both days, but Maura was happy that her baby boy still needed her.

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