BSM - Niall - You stay home sick

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Niall (he's 20, you're 17)

It was 1:30am and you found yourself throwing up for the second time that night. Your parents were away so it was just you and Niall. You never expected anyone to help you; also you were 17 and trying to be more independent especially since you were in your final year of school. You leaned back against the bath and rested for a few minutes before your stomach lurched again. You figured it was just nerves because you had an exam the next day, but you did try a new restaurant for lunch so it could be food poisoning too.

You felt too sick to move so you curled up into a ball on the bathroom floor and eventually fell asleep. You woke up to the same sickly feeling coming back, and soon you found yourself throwing up for the fourth time that night. Just as you went to lean back onto the bath, you felt someone rubbing your back. You looked back to see Niall standing behind you tiredly rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Hey princess, what's wrong, are you ok?" he asked, more awake now.

"Y-yeah, I'll be ok, probably just nerves for my exam" you told him.

He helped you brush your teeth, and got you back into bed with a bucket next to you just in case. Once you were settled he took your temperature and confirmed you had a fever. Niall got you some fever reducers and water and you took them gratefully. He gave you a kiss on the cheek and went back to sleep.

He was woken an hour later by you screaming. He ran into your room as fast as he could and his heart broke when you saw you in bed crying, clutching your stomach.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?" he asked.

"My stomach, it's like its being torn apart" you replied, screaming.

Niall called an emergency doctor who came out right away. He assessed you and said that you have food poisoning. He gave you some medicine to help and left his card in case you needed him again. Niall gave you the medicine and tucked you in on the couch so he could be with you.

You were sick a few times during the night and the next day, and had to miss your exam. Luckily you had Niall to take care of you.

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