Harry - stomach cramps

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Hey guys, I am back and will be writing and updating more!! :)

Harry POV

I watched the clock as a new hour appeared, it was now 4am and I still haven't gotten a wink of sleep. I developed stomach cramps shortly after dinner and decided that an early night would be a good call, however, that was eight hours ago and I am still awake. I groaned as another cramp surged through me.

I heard footsteps approaching my room but I was in too much pain to even be scared or think of who it could be. This cramp was painful and my eyes began to blur with tears, I curled in on myself in an attempt to apply more pressure around my middle.

"Harry?" I heard someone ask sleepily.

"Y-yeah" I replied shakily, with a sob at the end.

"Hey, hey what's the matter?" Niall replied, more awake now.

"Stomach hurts a lot" I said trying to sit up but failing.

"How long has it hurt for?" Niall asked turning the light on.

"Umm.... since just after dinner last night" I replied through grit teeth as another cramp surged through me.

"Oh Haz, you really don't look well mate, why didn't you come wake us up?" Niall asked while he checked for a fever.

"I can't move" I replied while starting to cry from the pain.

"Well.... you don't seem to have a fever; I'll bring you some meds. Do you feel sick at all?" Niall asked.

"No, just a lot of pain" I spoke.

Niall POV

I was worried about Harry; he was in a lot of pain. I decided to wake Liam to help too, he was always better with this type of situation. I walked into Liam's room and felt bad for waking him when I saw how comfy he looked.

"Li.... Liam please wake up" I said while shaking him awake.

"Niall?" Liam questioned looking for the switch to his bedside lamp.

"Yeah, it's me, I need your help with Harry" I said.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked getting out of bed

"He has awful stomach pain, no fever and he says he doesn't feel sick, it just hurts a lot" I said, filling Liam in.

"Ok, you sit with him and I'll get a hot water bottle and some meds" Liam replied, walking to the kitchen to gather all the things.

I made my way back to Harry's room. He was laying on his side, holding his stomach and screaming into his pillows as the tears fell freely from his eyes.

"LIAM!" I yelled, not knowing what to do.

Seconds later Liam came running into the room.

"Wha- Harry! I think we need to call an ambulance, we can't fix this here" Liam said assessing Harry.

"Please just take the pain away" Harry said, struggling to get breaths in with his crying.

"Niall please call the ambulance while I wake Louis and get Harry ready" Liam asked.

Liam POV

I ran into Louis's room and literally just tipped him off the bed by lifting the side of his mattress.

"Liam! What the actual hell is wrong with you?!" Louis yelled.

"Harry is really sick, Niall is calling an ambulance and we're all going to the hospital" I spoke fast before running back to Harry.

Harry was awfully pale now.

"Haz, you feeling sick?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

Harry just nodded and I brought the small bin from the corner of his room and gave it to him just in time.

I rubbed his back as he continued to get sick over and over and over again until he was weak and unable to support himself.

"You're doing well Harry" Louis encouraged.

"W-water" Harry choked out.

"Ambos will be here in a few minutes" Niall said, grabbing a bag to pack some clothes and stuff for Harry in case he has to stay overnight.

*skip to hospital* (still Liam POV)

We've only been waiting half an hour but it feels like hours.

"Styles?" a doctor calls out and we all stand up.

"How is he?" I ask.

"He is a lot better, we're going to keep him overnight but he can leave tomorrow morning. Harry had a severe case of food poisoning but he will recover in about a week's time" the doctor informed us.

"Thanks so much, can we see him please?" Louis asked.

"Of course, he's in room 28" the doctor said, pointing us in the right direction.

We followed the signs until we found room 28. Harry looked so tired and weak, he was asleep and we didn't want to wake him. There was one chair in the room next to his bed.

"You guys go home, I'll stay here tonight" I told Louis and Niall.

"All of you guys go home, I'll be ok here" Harry said, his voice rough from being sick so many times.

"Hey Haz, how you feeling?" I asked.

"Tired but I'm not in pain anymore, thanks you guys, love you all" Harry said, starting to fall asleep again.

"Love you too Haz, we will see you first thing tomorrow morning" I said as we all gave Harry a hug and left him to get some rest.

The next morning we picked Harry up bright and early, he was still tired but he recovered quickly with all of us fussing over him.

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