Niam sick after the AMAs

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Niall POV

"The AMAs were crazy tonight, probably the best after party yet" Louis said.

Harry nodded in agreeance but I felt too sick to speak. It all started half way through the AMAs, this constant ache in my stomach after having a few of their cocktail foods that was carried around by the waiters. I just kept on sipping on water and hoped it would end soon, but now we're in the van on our way back to the hotel, four hours later and the pain is still there. Louis and Harry are still buzzing with excitement about it all, I feel awful and Liam isn't looking himself either.

"Li.... you ok?" I bravely ask, hoping to keep my stomach in place.

Liam shakes his head in response, and sucks in a deep breath.

"Liam, are you alright?" Harry asks.

"Sic-" was all Liam managed to get out before throwing up all over the floor of the van.

I couldn't handle it, seeing Liam being sick, my stomach couldn't keep itself in place any longer and before I could stop anything or warn anyone, my stomach spilled its contents on the floor as Liam started round two.

"What the hell is up with you guys?" Louis asked.

"I-I m-my stomachs been hurting for a while already" I spoke.

"I've been feeling sick since I had those shrimp thingys" Liam said.

"Y-yeah, the one's on the blue plate?" I asked.

Liam nodded his head.

"Sounds like food poisoning" Harry said.

"Louis, did you have any of those?" Harry asked.

"Nah, never touched them. I was always taught not to take shrimp at a big party in case they're not cooked properly" Louis sassily replied.

I gave Louis the evil eye before my stomach lurched again.

"It's ok, you're doing well Ni" Harry cooed while rubbing my back.

Liam began being sick again and Louis comforted him.

We finally arrived at the hotel; we gave the driver an extra big tip for what he'd have to deal with and went up to our room. Louis went in search of medicine at the front desk and Harry helped Liam and I change into comfier clothes and got the two rubbish bins to put by our beds.

"H-Haz, I'm gonna be sick again" I spoke, feeling the contents of my stomach slosh around.

"It's ok Ni, I'm right here" Harry spoke soothingly.

I gripped the sides of the bin and breathed heavily.

"Ni, you need to relax" Harry said.

I relaxed for a few seconds before my stomach lurched and I threw up again.

"I hate this" I whined.

"I know you do, I know you do, but you're doing so well" Harry said.

"I'm back with some medicine" Louis announced, flashing the bottle around.

Louis gave Liam and I some and got us each some water.

"Got a thermometer too, so open up" Louis joked.

"Hmm, you both have pretty high fevers, hopefully the medicine kicks in soon" Louis said.

"Why didn't you guys tell us you felt sick?" Harry asked.

Liam and I looked at each other before shrugging our shoulders.

"You guys are too stubborn" Louis joked.

"You ok Li?" Harry asked suddenly.

I looked over to Liam and his face was drained of colour. He reached for the bin and hovered over it, coughing a few times. Harry sat next to him and coached him through as he was sick.

"How you feeling Ni?" Louis asked, trying to distract me from Liam.

"Umm, a bit better" I replied.

"Why don't you guys try and get some sleep? Harry and I will take turns staying up in case you need something" Louis offered.

"Honestly, you guys don't have to stay up, we could never ask that of you" Liam spoke.

"We're not asking, we're telling" Louis replied sternly.

Louis and Harry made sure Liam and I were settled before turning the lights off and letting us sleep.

The next morning I woke up still feeling slightly sick but a lot better than yesterday.

"Morning Li" I said when I saw Liam sitting up.

"Morning Ni, how did you sleep?" Liam asked.

"I slept right through, wasn't sick once, what about you?" I said.

"Same.....right through. Still feel sick though but don't think it's enough for me to actually throw up right now" Liam replied.

"Morning lads, how are we feeling this morning?" Louis asked, barging into the room.

"Better thanks" Liam and I replied together.

"Glad to hear it" Louis said.

Harry came and felt for a fever and said that it's gone down, and so has Liam's.

We spent the rest of the day watching movies and playing bored games. I was only sick again once through the day, and Liam seemed to be a lot better.

"I'm happy you guys are feeling better!" Harry said, while giving us dinner.

"So are we" Liam smiled.

While having dinner our phones all went off at the same time.

"Who would be messaging all of us?" Louis asked, getting his phone out.

"Oh this is classic" Harry laughed.

"Thanks for the heads up" Liam said.

"Really?!" I said sarcastically as I read the message.

To those who attended the after party for the AMAs it has been brought to our attention that some of the food was incorrectly prepared, we apologise for any sickness or inconvenience caused by this. Regards, the AMA coordinator.

"Well aren't they just considerate" Louis scoffed.

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