Liam sick - request

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Hey everyone, so glad I managed to update.  Im currently working my way through a few requests.  Ill be updating more soon!!  :)  Thanks for reading xx

Liam POV

I woke up from a rough night's sleep feeling worse than I did before I went to bed. I hoped sleeping would help, but it's done the opposite. We have a concert tonight and I am hoping that I can get through it alright, although I really don't know, based on how I feel.

I sigh quietly to myself as the nausea I had most of the night comes back stronger than before. I make a dash to the bathroom and get there just in time to throw up mostly all in the toilet. I feel my stomach cramp and turn with each heave. After five long minutes of throwing up I shakily stand up and wipe my mouth before flushing away evidence of me being sick, I don't want the boys knowing. I go to brush my teeth to rid myself of this horrible taste. I look at my pale, grey shaky complexion in the mirror and wonder how I am going to hide it. I feel my stomach gurgle and cramp and I know what's going to happen. I soon find myself back by the toilet experiencing diarrhoea. I had hoped to be better by now, but this stomach bug has got me good.

By the time I finished, I am shaking and sweating and hot and cold all at the same time. I turn the shower on and step in letting the cool water run over me in the vain hope it helps my raging fever.

"Liam, we're leaving in 15mins for sound check" Harry yells to me.

I finish up and get dressed. I have half a slice of toast so that I can have some medicine for my worsening headache before heading out into the van. I must have fallen asleep on the way to the stadium because I woke up inside the dressing room on the couch.

"How did I get here?" I asked Niall.

"Paul carried you, you looked peaceful" Niall replied.

I was surprised I got through sound check. After sound check the nausea and cramps returned. I walked quickly over to the bathroom and threw up a few times before the diarrhoea came back too. I was so tired after that episode I fell asleep again, only to be woken by Harry with a half an hour warning until the concert.

I sighed as I got ready to go out onto the stage. I was grateful that my mother would be coming to tonight's show. She always takes good care of me.

I hear the intro to clouds start and the crowd screams as we come running on. After clouds, I felt the familiar cramps coming back, I sat down on the stage with one hand on my stomach bending over slightly, hoping no one would notice.

"You ok Li?" Louis asked, sitting next to me.

I just nodded in response, fearing more than words would come out if I opened my mouth.

I braced myself as my solo was coming up.

"She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones,

It seems to me th-"

Was all I could get out before I had to leave the stage. I stood up and ran backstage, barely making it and started throwing up on the ground. Tears blurred my vision as my stomach twisted painfully. I cried out, no longer feeling embarrassed but just wanting this pain to end. The boys ran off stage and came to see what was wrong.

"Liam, please tell us what's wrong" Harry said, trying not to cry.

"S-stomach" I sobbed out before gripping my middle even tigher.

"I'm going to get Karen" Niall announced.

Louis handed me some water and Harry went in search of a bin.

"Do you feel a bit better now?" Louis asked.

I shook my head sadly. I didn't feel as sick but the pain was intense.

"I n-need t-t-to lie dow-wn" I stuttered out with pain apparent in my voice.

"Let's go to the couch in the dressing room" Harry suggested.

I tried standing up, but fell to my knees as another surge of pain ran through my stomach. With that Niall came running through with two medics and my mother.

"Liam why didn't you say you were this sick?" my mother asked me.

I couldn't answer her as the nausea washed over me again. Harry saw what was happening and pushed the bin closer to me. He rubbed circles on my back while I was throwing up; eventually I was dry heaving as my stomach twisted.

"What's your symptoms honey" the medic asked me.

"Headache, fever, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and some diarrhoea" I replied as best I could.

"When did it start?"She asked.

"Umm, this morning mainly" I replied, the sound of my own voice making me wince.

She took my temperature and confirmed that I had a raging fever.

"I think you have a stomach bug, rest and drink lots of water and you should feel better in a few days" she said sweetly before leaving me with my mother.

"Let's get you back to the hotel baby" my mother said to me, helping me up.

I made it back to the hotel, unfortunately throwing up twice in the car. Paul carried me up to the room and laid me in the bed.

"Feel better mate" Paul said before leaving.

"Thanks" I choked out.

"I'll look after you Li" my mother said while tucking me in.

My mother took such good care of me for three days, doing everything for me while I got over my stomach bug. After three days I began feeling better and strong enough to start doing things on my own again. After a week it was time for my mom to go back to the UK.

"Thanks for helping me mom" I said, giving her a hug.

"You'll always be my baby" she said, hugging me back before boarding the plane back home.

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