Request (Niall) - you get sick before he leaves

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Hey everyone, this was a request from NikkiP3.  Hope you like it :)  xxx

“Morning princess” Niall whispered as he shook you out of your sleep. 

“Hmmm......I’m up” you said as you turned to face Niall. 

“I’ve got a full day planned, let’s get going love” he said in a sing-song.

You giggled as you got out of bed, wondering how you were going to wake up for six months without him beside you.  You went downstairs where Niall had prepared breakfast.  After breakfast you got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt just like Niall. 

“So what do you have planned?” you asked Niall as you got in the car.

“It’s a surprise” Niall said with a wink.

“Please, please, please...... Ni.....” you said while pleading with him to tell you.

“Fine....” he answered with a sigh.

“Fun, then lunch then more fun” he replied with an evil chuckle.

You just nudged him in the shoulder as he continued to laugh at your facial expressions.  You glanced over at Niall when he pulled off down a sand road.

“Uh, Ni, do you know where you’re going?” you asked getting a bit worried.

“We’re exploring love” he answered.  “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe” he added.

Even though you were going further from the road and deeper into the unknown, you felt strangely safe with Niall next to you. 

“Finally, here we are” he said as the car came to a stop.

You were at a secluded lagoon with a beautiful waterfall running down the side of rocks. 

“Wow, how did you find this place?” you asked Niall.

“I used to swim here as a kid” he answered while getting your swimming clothes from the car. 

You both changed and dove into the crystal clear water.  You and Niall swam around for a couple of hours when he told you that it was time to head to the next destination.  Niall got out of the water and reached his hand out to help you out.  Once you were both dry and changed you headed off to lunch. 

“I thought we could try that new Chinese place for lunch, what do you think (Y/N)?” Niall asked.

“I’d love to” you replied.

Soon you arrived at the new restaurant.  You ordered sweet and sour pork as it’s the only thing you knew on the menu and Niall got some chicken dish that he could hardly pronounce.  You never waited long for the food to arrive.  It tasted a bit funny, but you never thought much of it.

“How’s your chicken thingy?” you asked Niall with a smile.

“It’s different..... it has a odd taste but it’s not too bad” he answered.

After lunch Niall you and Niall took a walk through the nature park.  Half way through the walk you felt your stomach begin to churn.  Niall hadn’t noticed as he was telling you that Paul was coming to get him tonight around 10pm as they think there would be fewer fans later at night.  You nodded but you weren’t totally focused on what he was saying.  It wasn’t long before it got too much for you.

“Ni, I-I need to sit down” you said while walking over to a bench.

“(Y/N).. you ok princess” he asked walking after you.

“Yeah, just ugh my stomach felt a bit weird” you groaned while placing a hand on your stomach.

“Let’s get you home baby” Niall said while helping you stand.  He wrapped his arm around your waist and led you back to the car.  He helped you into the car and clipped the seatbelt in for you.  “Let me know if you want me to pull over” he added as he started the car.  You nodded and closed your eyes as Niall began to reverse. 

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