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Hey guys with this story, its based during X Factor times.  I wrote this when I was 16 and I didnt change anything.  This is actually the first fanfic I ever wrote, long before I even knew this existed.  So thats why the writing style is different to my others, because it was done when I was 16. 

The boys woke up the morning after an incredible concert. They had the next two weeks off to do anything they wanted. They stayed at the hotel until about 10am; they then went out and got some breakfast. They spent the rest of the day at the beach, swimming and they hired jet skis for all of them. Later that night Niall said why don't they all go to Nandos for dinner? Everyone agreed and off they went. They ordered almost everything on the menu.

After dinner they walked back to the hotel. Once they arrived they were all at a cross point. Liam and Niall wanted to play Xbox but Zayn and Harry wanted to watch a movie and Louis didn't mind anything. They eventually decided to watch a movie, but only because the Xbox wouldn't read the disc. They chose to watch White Chicks. After the movie they all went to sleep. They all shared one big room with two

bathrooms and a gorgeous view of the ocean.

It was around 2am when Louis began tossing and turning and feeling sick. He tried to ignore it but he couldn't. At 2:30am Louis jumped up and ran into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him. The banging of the door woke Liam, Niall and Harry but Zayn slept through it all. As Liam knocked on the door to ask Louis if he was okay, Louis began throwing up. As the time neared 4am Louis got his pillow and blanket and moved into the bathroom, as he was tired of running back and

forth. He managed to get about five hours sleep.

The next morning they were all up except Zayn. Niall asked Louis how he felt this morning. Louis replied he feels awful. He can't stop throwing up and he has a massive headache, he is just going to stay at the hotel today. It was around 11am when Zayn dragged himself out of bed. Niall asked him why he slept so late, usually Zayn is the first one up. Zayn replied by saying that he doesn't feel so good. Liam had some breakfast ordered up to the room, as Zayn and Louis smelled the

bacon they both ran into the bathroom and threw up. Niall, Liam and Harry all thought oh well more for them.

Louis and Zayn went and got back into bed, and the rest of the boys went out to see the town. They had a blast, they went to the theme park and Niall tried to convince Harry to go on a roller coaster but it never worked. After the theme park, they grabbed some lunch and began making their way back to the hotel. Harry noticed that Liam was quite quiet throughout the whole day. He asked Liam if he was okay?

Liam replied, he was okay, he just has a headache. They were about a block away from the hotel, when Harry suddenly doubled over in severe pain. Niall and Liam both asked what's wrong. Harry said that he doesn't know but his stomach is so sore, he has never had pain like that before. He could barely walk. Niall and Liam carried Harry the last block to the hotel.

Once inside they put Harry in his bed, he was curled up holding his stomach in agony. He said he felt sick, as he stood up his whole face just went pale, he stood still. Niall called Liam; he got a fright when he saw Harry. Harry began to cough up blood; he then said he is dizzy and collapsed. Niall called an ambulance. Liam began to throw up, which didn't help his headache at all.

Within three minutes, there was a knock on the door, it was the ambulance. As Niall opened the door, he threw up. The paramedics wanted to help him, but he said no, help Harry first he has passed out after coughing up blood. As the paramedics ventured further into the room, they found Harry lying on the floor with his shirt and face covered in blood, Liam was in the bathroom throwing up, Zayn and Louis were in their beds with buckets next to them throwing up, and while Niall was throwing up, he was telling the ambos about how Harry doubled over in pain, and everyone has severe headaches.

The ambos called for another ambulance. They took Harry as he was the worst, and they took Louis and they could also take Zayn if he sat in the spare seat. The second ambos arrived and took Liam and Niall. The doctors then began asking questions like what symptoms match. The vomiting, headaches and stomach aches matched with all of them, except Harry never threw up he coughed up blood, and Harry collapsed but none of the others did.

The doctors called all their parents, luckily they were only a six hour flight away. All the parents were on the same flight. Once they all got there the next morning. All the boys were in one room, all hooked up to drips and were still throwing up. Harry was a bit better, and so he decided to walk himself to the bathroom. As he stood he coughed up more blood, and collapsed again. His parents were scared. They told the doctor that this wasn't the first time this has happened. Before Harry's x factor audition he began throwing up and eventually coughed up blood, but the doctors there couldn't figure out why.

After a few days of tests, the doctors came to the conclusion of food poisoning from the chicken they had, but Harry had food poisoning along with appendicitis that's why he was in so much pain, the reason why he was coughing up blood was because it had already burst, that's also why he collapsed.

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